Rio Hondo College Top Questions

What should every freshman at Rio Hondo College know before they start?


As a college student right now I would tell myself to be ready to be hit by reality, school is not the same people, professors are not the same, everything changes.The one thing that changes the most is your way of thinking and your own personal life. In high school you may have many friends but once you work or you start school then many people you know become obsolete. You are now in a new world with many new adventures and be ready for it because just as fast as high school went by, the exact same thing will happen in college. All the babysitting by teachers stops, you will be taught new ways in English, Math, Science, and many more subjects but many of the things you will also by learned on your own time. We learn new ideas by studying and doing much more than what we are told to do by the professors. College will change your life but you only decide if it is for good or for the worse.


After explaining time travel I would tell my high school senior self not to fall into the hype. College isnt what you see in movies its a challenge. The days of acing tests without studying is a thing of the past and even with time travel you must learn to sit and read while everyone parties. Get a job. Buy a car! The bus sucks, especially during finals!


If I could talk to myself as a high school senior I would be able to give myself some practical advice concerning the challenges that lay ahead. The first piece of advice I would have for myself would concern choosing a major. During my senior year I had very few ideas on which major to choose. Now after 2 years of searching, I have found a major that is both challenging, and uniquely suited to my personality and interests: Athletic Training. The second piece of advice I would give would be to reinforce my decision on choosing to attend a community college first and university later, rather than going straight to a university. Many of my friends decided to go straight to a university where they encountered various transitional and financial problems that I never experienced attending a community college. The last piece of advice I would give myself would be to start looking for scholarships for my eventual transfer to a university as soon as possible. Money should never be a factor when choosing a university. With the above advice in hand, I am sure that I would be more than prepared for what that lay ahead in college.


I would tell myself everything that helped me succeed so far. The first piece of advice I would give myself is that self discipline will get you very far. Id let myself know that the days of getting an easy A are long gone and college is all about working your hardest to achieve your goals. Just because class is not mandatory does not mean you shouldn?t go! You'll waste your money and you are going to have to take economics twice because of that reason. Resist!! I'd also tell myself to make good relationships with my professors because it has helped me succeed and feel comfortable when in doubt. I would let myself know that at times course work will be challenging but try not to settle for less than what you can achieve. When you push yourself towards success you will achieve it and you should try to enjoy yourself in the process.


I would tell myself to pay attention in class and take better notes; to study better and relate everything to the present, and evidently, my future and the impact it has. I would advise myself not to worry about friends and how friends will always be there, but the future begins with the choices of studying an extra hour or spending the hour socializing with friends.


Do not stress out over not being accepted to a 4 year college. Going to a 2 year college, you are still offered all the same opportunities to transfer. If not, more. A lot of 4 year colleges and universities accept california community college transfer students as first choice, above high school transfers. All the scholarships are still available, and some schools even have TAG programs. TAG means, Transfer Admission Gurantee, some universities and colleges give students guranteed acceptance as long as they have a signed agreement and meet the critea. So don't stress yourself out about going to a good college. So many more doors will open if you just take the transition slowly and not rush into things. You shouldn't have to choose what you want to be straight out of high school. Another great part of college is the freedom to create your own schedule, and to take the classes you want to take. Try not to figure your life out so quickly. Just wait until you graduate high school, it may seem like the end of the world, but your first day of college will be the beggining of your universe.


I am somewhat of a special case for this question because I didn't go to high school. I have been going to college for over four years because when I was 13 I joined a program called the Duel Enrollment Program (DEP). This allowed me to be home schooled and attended Rio Hondo College at the same time to get a head start on my education. Thanks to this I have recently applied as a transfer student to four Universities of California at the age of 18 to hopefully get my BS in physics and finally get my Ph. D in physics. If I had the ability to go back in time one year ago when I was a senior I would tell myself to start applying for scholarship right away because university is expensive. I never realized how much is cost until I applied for a four year school. I would tell myself to continue to work hard and never stop applying for scholarships like this one here. Other than that I would not change anything about my previous educational status.


I would have studied a lot more, and I would have never dropped out. I made some poor decisions my senior year in high school. I only have three more classes to complete, but I got caught up with the partying and winded up pregnant. I decided to drop out, but I still recieved my GED and enrolled into college. I would have takin high school more serious, and would have cared about my grades more. I also would have been involved in more school activites, instead of just doing what I had to do to get by. I have learned my lesson, which has taught me to pay more attention and take more notes.


If i could go back in time to when i was a high school senior, I would advice myself to read, study, and read some more. College is all about reading material and studying to understand it better. These were two things i refused to do in high school and am paying the price for now in college. This is what I would advice myself to do if i could go back in time and give myself advice.


I would tell myself to stay focused and the coursework done. When you homeowork and other schoolwork done it allows you to have less stress and allow for a little fun. Also have a planner and write things down. Having a list will help with time mangement and ease even more stress.