Rio Hondo College Top Questions

What should every freshman at Rio Hondo College know before they start?


The important things to know about college is that you have to take your time when it comes to your school work. Do not procrastinate on your school work. Make sure that you have goals for yourself and follow them because when each of those goals come true your that much closer to the next goal. In college there is no one there to tell you what to do, you have to do things on your own when it comes to going to class, being on time, doing your work, and making sure your taking the right classes. In college don?t let your friends talk you in to missing a class to go eat because missing one class leads to you missing a lot more classes. At the end of each semester meet with a counselor and discuss what path you?re on. Ask your counselor about IGETC and a website names ASSIST if you?re transferring from a community college to a UC and CSU. The IGETC and ASSIST will help you choose the right classes for your major that you are planning to study.


Michelle, college is not a punishment, its an opportunity for success. Many teen's thing its the other way around. Its what you do with that success that makes a big impact on your life. Don't throw it away with thoughts of taking a break right after high school, and certainly don't make it more of a challange by bringing children into a world of no financial security. When you go to college you will surely face many obsticles, however, they will all pay off in the end. There are many organizations on college campuses that are there to help you if you need it. Think more highly of yourself and allow yourself the chance to be successful. Keep your focus on school, and not on outside influences, because there will be many. Set short-term goals for yourself, and make every effort to reach those goals. Stay strong and never give up. Most importantly, your family will be there for you to help you succeed.


Everyone in life has there ups and downs. My junior year I was done with school I didnt have any goals set any dreams nothing by january on my 2nd week of X-mas break my sister passed away from that day forward everything I did was to make her proud. I remember in the hospital saying and promising Im going to change and be somebody so my angel sister will be proud. Going through what I have if I could go back in time I'd say Im on the right track to keep doing what Im doing, being an optimistic person has gotten me this far and will continue to take me into a thousand miles of success. College is where one launches their careers, every individual is sititng at a desk with a dream with commitment to studying, dedication to school, and hunger for knowledge I'd tell myself I will be a synonom for the word ambitious, for the word succesful, for every one who will continue trying to reach the sky. I'd l;ook at myslef and say your sister is very proud of you and you should be too.


First of all is that I have to have a good attitude to prepare to go to college both in mentally and physically. During the vocation between summer holiday and Spring semester for college, I should know the background of my college that I want to take. For example, prepare for the texts books and look the books first before taking the class. Secondly, because college is a relaxing study place, so that I should know what I am going to learn instead of waiting for the teacher to teach.Thirdly, I can take some advises from the friends who are already the college students. Maybe they will offer a very important help for me. These ways will help me a lot when I am going to study in the college.


I would have to say to take AP classes and get very good grades


The advice that i would give myself is: take each day as it comes, consider each day a challenge in achieving a goal that in the end it will be worth it. In making mistakes learn from them and don't make them twice. Learn something new each day and challenge yourself in doing better in each class everyday. Listen, complete each task that is given to you and stay away from the bad influences. Even though it's hard pick out the best people, friends that are a good influence. Don't do things that may look right, but in reality they are wrong. The best way to achieve is to commit to your work and to your future. Because your future in the end is what it's gonna make you a successful person and you would not struggle in getting a good job. That's what we all want. A good job that would make more than enough, where you can support a family in the future and buy a house or simply enjoy life after all your hard work.


Going back to myself as a senior I would tell my self to pay more attention in class to speak and participate. To realise who my real friends are and who arent. I would defenatley tell myself to go to more programs the school offered me for example the college visits and the lectures when colleges went to visit us. I did go to a few but I wish I could have gotten to more. I would tell myself to search for more scholarships because I really need the money for school since I am a full time student and only my father works while both me and my brother go to school. I wanna make my dad and mom proud because they deserve it and I want this for me especially.


I would tell myself, "Go to community college first!" I got accepted and went to USC straight out of high school, and I was pretty proud of myself because I was the only student from my high school going there. But after only one year of being there, I got myself in over my head with debt and I de-enrolled from USC. I am now attending a community college and plan on going to a Cal State afterwards, and I am also working part-time trying to pay for it all, because I can't take out any more loans. I could have saved myself tens of thousands of dollars if I just went to a community college first!