Rowan University Top Questions

What's the one thing you wish someone had told you about freshman year?


That is was a suitcase school. That the area gets really boring on the weekends without friends or going to parties. I wish I knew there would be construction going on 2 out of the 4 years I'd be attending it.


I wish I had known how extensive their gym was. It is great, but I didn't realize that the school had more emphasis on sports rather than the arts. The arts are very important to me, so I'm kind of bummed that there is not more of the arts around. But it's ok, I'm getting a little more sporty and get more exercise now, which is a plus.


I wish I had known that there aren't nearly as many students as they say there are.


About the fraternity i joined.


how much greek life was on campus, there were more then i expected.