Saint Louis University Top Questions

What kind of person should attend Saint Louis University?


Anyone who loves to learn and have a great time while doing it.


Anyone who wants a slightly more conservative education, but wants to be accepted for who they are.


An academically focused and out going person


Open to diversity, Cares about academics, Gets involved with on-campus activities


Economically well-off. Tough skinned/competitive. Determined. Motivated. Goal-oriented. Catholic/Jesuit.


A person who loves to meet nice people, catholic/ jesuit or not, the people here are on the whole nice or mean well. A person who goes here should know that they have to work very hard, since this school is only getting harder, and if their family is like mine be prepared for some financial sacrifices. A person here should also realize that everyone at this campus drinks, but that this place offers friends and environments for it to be done safely if you do drink.


Someone who is driven to achieve acadmeically, as well as someone who has an interest in being involved in extracurriculars. There are so many things to do on campus that everyone will find something that is right for them. SLU is a very positive place where people can come to fulfill their dreams.


The person that should attend this school is the person who is looking for more than just an accdemic education. SLU educates the whole person. It gives them a solid academic education, but it also helps its students develope spiritually, emotionally, and physically. It prepares its students for the real world and teaches them to be men and women for others. SLU is a great school for students who are looking for a solid academic education, but are also looking to be prepared entirely for the real world.


Someone who can afford it.


Very academically talented and focused person.