Saint Louis University Top Questions

What kind of person should attend Saint Louis University?


Friendly, hardworking, religious and outgoing.


A person who values friendliness and is not too competitive. Someone who is not a big football fan. If you are smart and want to relax in undergrad, but still get a respected degree, this is the place.


Someone who doesn't want to live in a strictly college town, SLU is just a small part of saint louis so there is much more to do rather than focusing on SLU alone, also those who hate fraternities/sororities because they arent really emphasized all too much here but do still exist obviously...


An average student would do well here. There is no need to be the brightest and best, and if you are, you will be bored as there is not much challenge. I can tell you that from experience.


Any one willing to learn and have a good time. It is a very good school.


People who attend this school need to want to become involved in things since it is a larger school. You just need to be yourself and want to have a good time. Overall a person who attends this school has to be a high achiever because this school is known for academics.


Anyone who wants to receive a well-rounded education and make some great friends along the way should attend SLU. There are tons of activites on campus. Everyone can find something that is right for them. There are all types of people here, so there is never a shortage of friends to find. People who attend would be active learners who are engaged in their education and future.