Saint Norbert College Top Questions

What should every freshman at Saint Norbert College know before they start?


I would tell myself to make the most of my last year! Look forward to studying and spending quality time with close friends. I would tell myself to help out more in my community and be more of a strong leader in not only sports but excel in all of the clubs and activities that I joined. I would tell myself not to work as much during school weeks and would recomend that to any high school senior, there were many times when I worried about my financial problems and family than I worried about my future.


If I could go back in time to give myself advice, I would definitely suggest to myself to get involved on campus through clubs and activities. Campus involvement is huge; it gives you different perspectives on life while helping you transition to college life by making friends. I would also suggest to myself to stay organized when it comes to academics. I'm doing well academically, but I wish I had started out more organized to keep track of class credits, professor information, and general homework. I also wish I would have realized the vast amount of information that is available to students outside the classroom through our library's large database and other materials. Lastly, I would remind myself that I am transitioning into a new chapter in my life, and although it may seem difficult and stressful at times, I'm opening up a chapter of self-discovery, maturation, and self-dependency. Going to college and succeeding in college is a testament to my ability to discover and be myself while realizing my past does not determine my future.


Immediately after high school, time was spent more wisely by not going to college right away. Of course, I didn't possess the ambition or the awareness that I could go on to higher education. Encouragement to partake in life on a higer level would be my main point of advice. Life at that time seemed only to exist in fleeting desires and material things. The knowledge that is gained through learning of the experiences of those who have lived and learned before me is worth more than any price that could be demanded. I would advise myself to be unafraid of the competition of others and to take the challenge of learning as a gift, not an obligation. Immaturity and shortsightedness holds one of youth within unrealistic boundaries which at the time seem like freedoms. It takes all the strength of an individual working cohesively with faith in God and the encouragement of fellow people to overcome oneself. When we loose ourselves from the bonds of our selfishness, we are free to love God, our neighbors, and ourselves in a way that provides growth in wisdom for all of the human race.


Advice I could give myself is to basically be ready for change and growth. I would encourage myself to value every relationship I had in high school, but not expect to replace any of those friendships. As much as you expect to meet similar people and have comparable experiences to high school in college, it is not like that. Everything is new. You?re not replacing your friends from high school, you?re adding onto your friend group and with these new human encounters comes new experiences and obstacles. You meet people who have been brought up differently then you with different lifestyles and it is necessary to consider their situations without judgment. You will meet people on campus, in the local community and across the world and you need to take in every one of these experiences for your own benefit. Practice living in solidarity while taking on a feeling of oneness with those that you meet. Never be to anxious or wish for more time- remember that each moment is given to us and that it is of value. Make the most of the present moment and be mindful that your actions now will affect your future person.


College, I would begin, changes you powerfully. But you don't have to forget the life you lived prior to heading out. Don't push the past away, and don't forget the friends who have been there for so long. Your friends are all rooting for you, they have helped you get so far, and they will be there for you when you come home or when you feel alienated from your life. In college you'll learn some of the greatest lessons of life: you'll learn to laugh even though you'll stressed. You'll learn what it's like to be happy even though the big midterm is coming up. You'll learn what it's like for professors, PhD recipients, to treat you like you are a valid, important person. You have something to offer the world, the only one telling you 'no,' will be you. When you can't do something, look around you. So many people are rooting for you: your family, your old friends, your new ones, and yes, even your professors. College is not about forgetting to live, it's about learning to live.


Do not stress about tests and finals. Stress always makes it work. If you have a lot to do - make a list. Organize your days and you will be sure not to miss anything. Be aware of due dates, and keep every class syllabus. You will always get everything done, so take your time and make a schedule that is realistic and do-able. Don't over do it! You do not have to rush through things...there is plenty time to do everything that needs to be done! Use your study time wisely. Try and get one thing done at a time for you will feel more successful and accomplished at the end of the day. Lastly, have fun. Meet all the people you can and say hi to them when you see them around campus. A hi always brightens up everyone's day. Friends are life's gifts - cherish them and do not turn down opportunities to meet new people. Have FUN!! It goes by FAST.


When people say that it is okay to be undecided in a major, that's not really true. The work load is somewhat similar but it is not as guided as in high school. Really research the classes necessary for the different majors and fields you are interested in early. Otherwise you could be stuck getting a degree in something that is not very practical or what you enjoy. Be sure you are okay with how far you are away from home. Do something that feels comfortable to you, rather than what looks best on paper. If you feel comfortable with something you are likely to benefit more from it. Research for yourself, don't go off of what other people say.


Dear Me, You're almost there, the point in your life where you fully have the wings to choose what you want to, you're going to be the guider - not being guided. Don't forget those people who have supported you throughout it all (Hint: they gave birth to you and your friends back from high school). Please, do yourself a favor and don't rush everything. Give yourself some breathing space and time to reflect on this beautiful life. Too often you move so fast and go through the motions without really appreciating the steps you are taking to becoming a mature adult with a life full of possibilities. It will be tough, but don't second guess yourself and know that being indecisive or falling won't make you a failure or a person who's defined as indecisive - staying that way and not doing anything will. You really can do it Arielle, you have come so far and still have so much to go! College is going to be so exciting and just be you and stay true to yourself. Alright, opportunity, open the door, I'm ready!


If I were to go back in time to when i was a senior, I would probably go tell myself to apply for scholarships earlier and to double check the breakdown of my St. Norbert Scholarship. Because I was late applying for scholarships and misunderstood the breakdown of my current scholarship and tuition. Now I'm in deep trouble of being sent back home to Namibia because I can't afford to pay for the tuition. I was only supposed to pay US$8,000 and now they say I have to pay US$11,000. My family is overwhelmed because they cannot afford to pay for this. They couldn't even afford 8,000--I was to help them pay it with my on-campus employment. I'm stuck, right now. So I would really love to talk to myself in the past and tell her that she should apply early for a full scholarships, and also to know that there was an error in the dollar amount she would have to pay for St. Norbert. That would really pull me out of this situation, because all I'm doing right now is applying for every scholarship possible.


Finding the right college means many different things. The most important thing that I would recommend to look for is a campus that is going to fit the lifestyle and personal needs of the student whether that means smaller class sizes or athletic emphasis on the campus. It is also important to acknowledge the kind of professor-student relationships that exist; I found that a small class size came with a more accessible, more personal professor. Overall, the cost of the right college should not be the most important factor because the experience and knowledge from college is more important. Most schools provide financial assistance to make the process less of a burden. Taking chances and keeping an open mind were two of the best things that I ever did during my college experience; I was able to meet many great people and study abroad. College was truly one of and will be the best experience of my life.