Saint Norbert College Top Questions

What should every freshman at Saint Norbert College know before they start?


To have the best college experiance one must love the college they choose. Finding the right school is all about the student understanding themself. He/ she needs to know what environment they are most comfortable in and which makes them most productive. The student needs to know how many other students they want on campus and how big of a city they want that campus to be located in. If he/she is used to a big city with a million things to do, a small town may not be the best place to attend college. The student also needs to know what they want to get out of their college experience. If their main goal is intense acedemics, it is better not to go to a school known for its party scene. The most important thing to having a good experience is knowing who you are and finding friends that share your values. At college, your friends become your family and if they don't have the similar priorities it can be difficult to have a great time.


Look for a college that is very successful. Not all good colleges are just strict homework. Here at St. Norbert College I feel like i don't need to always be tied up with homework, but there are times I feel i need to spend large amounts of time in the library.


Do what's right for you, no matter what the price tag is.


Cost shouldn't matter. How much you want to invest into yourself and your education is what matters.


I would tell people to stay close to home, choose a college that fits your needs for whatever you want to do with your life but i would advice to look in your home area. Family and friends are very important in a students life and can be there for you if needed.


The advice that I would give to parents and students about finding the right college and making the most of the college experience would be to first visit the campus you are applying for and attend classes there to make sure it feels right to you...if you don't feel comfortable there, then you won't be happy on that campus. I would also suggest that while you are attending whichever college you choose, get involved - if some people you don't really know asks if you want to hang out with them, do it...they could become your best friends, or at least lead you to other people. They best thing you can do in college is to make really good friends who can support you through all the hard work and heartbreak. College without friends would be unbearable.


Explore all your options and make a pros and cons list for each of your choices. Remember to visit each of your top choices since colleges can be deceiving through pamphlets, etc.


First of all, one of the most important things is to find a school that has the strong academics in the major that the person is interested in. Then figure out what college best fits you family's budget. Lastly, make sure the facilities and living options, etc. work well enough for the person.


Parents should only make sure that their sons or daughters aren't choosing a school for the wrong reasons (boyfriend or girlfriend is going there, cool housing, or because it?s the cheapest). Students should look for a school that they feel comfortable at, one that isn't too big or small for them. Think of the college as a community and its size can represent the size of a city you wish to live in or feel comfortable in. Also, look for a school that is doing research in your area of study. Surviving at school, is as simple as making friends and talking to professors. This can be very hard for shy or noncharismatic people. But, you can always find shy people to be friends with. Professors love talking about their research, ask them questions about it and get to know them, it?s much easier to ask them for help in class if you know your professor well.


Know how you learn and what will help you get through college best. If it is small classes that can focus to your learning needs, make sure you go to a small school. Once you choose your school and arrive on campus, get involved. Find a club that you're interested in, and join it. Introduce yourself to your teachers and don't be afraid to talk with them outside of class.