Saint Norbert College Top Questions

What should every freshman at Saint Norbert College know before they start?


Make sure the school is right for you kid and not for the parents, its hard to plug you son/daughter into an environment that will make them successful, but its useless if they dont like where they are at, you need to let your kids choose for themselves and experience thier college experience their way.


Make sure you visit as many colleges as you can when making your decision. I would recommend overnight trips to the colleges so that you can get a better feel for the people and the atmosphere. Once you have your search narrowed down visit the top picks again. Make sure to ask any other questions you might have and compare the top picks. And try to get as much financial aid as possible. I also reccomend going to a college away from high school friends so that you can make new friends and not be stuck in the same group of people the rest of your life. Once you're at the college of your choice try to meet as many people as possible. Try to get involved in activities or clubs or sports on campus.


Research the schools very extensively. Be sure to ask what the school can offer in terms of finding a job (a good job!!) after school. Stats about {4a082faed443b016e84c6ea63012b481c58f64867aa2dc62fff66e22ad7dff6c} employed after graduation can be unreliable. Remember that you go to school to get a job.. not to work at McDonalds or a book store.


Remember that nobody is promised tomorrow--sieze each day and every opportunity because you are ultimately a product of your decisions. Life happens along the way when you are making other plans so take time to slow down at times and remember to enjoy every minute of every day.


Be sure to take high school seriously. Visit the colleges before you apply (and definetely before you accept an admission offer). Try to go somewhere where the administrators are also professors.


My advice to parents and students about finding the right college for them is that they need to first figure out whether or not they want to go to a big, medium, or small school. This right away will help eliminate many options. They also need to take into consideration their major and athletics. This is a very important part to picking the right school for you. Students should also take a tour or visit the college as well to see if they like the atmosphere and see if they can picture themselves going their. It is also important to distinguish whether you want to be in the city or in a college town. With these in mind when at the college, make use of the available programs and extracurricular activities that they offer. You want to make the most of your college experience and get the most value for your tuition. Take advantage of the programs they offer and the on school entertainment and social programs, as well as the carreer services, and available educational and other help programs. Most of all find a school that you feel comfortable being at.


I would tell the parents and/or students to base their decision upon the "homeliness" feeling. When I visited my current college, I knew it was right based on my guilt feelings. I could also see myself living here, based especially upon the "homeliness" feeling.


Pick a college that fits you. You need to be comfortable when choosing where to go or you won't be able to learn effectively and happily!


parents need to know about what their kids are going to be doing on weekends. they need to make sure that the school has enough options for weekend activities and that their children are going to be safe depending upon what they decide to do. students need to decide what kind of atmosphere they most feel at home in-they need to shadow 3 or 4 times to get a feel for classes, dorms, and campus life. it's immensely important to make sure that the school is welcoming and gives the student personalized attention. to make the most of college, students need to branch out, get out of their comfort zone, but that does not necessarily mean binge drinking every weekend or drug use. some of the best experiences come from service trips and volunteer work, not parties.


Tour schools until you find one that is a great fit for you. Go with what feels right.