Make sure you really look at the colleges you want to go to. Take visits and ask as many questions as you want. Don't settle on one school because of money.
Where they feel welcomed, comfortable in the enviornment, able to focus, and if they offer what interests you.
Do what is right for you and your future!
the advice i would give to the parents is to let the child chose. also do not go to a college because it fits your money problems. stand on GOD and the money will come. pick a college that you an see your self at. yes there will be problems because thats life but when you find the right one you will know. visit other friends colleges and read about it.!!!!!
I would advice parents or students to join "freshman" for a day programs. It's important to have a "feel" in order to understand the college life and to see how it "works" before initially picking a college. In other words, it serves as a "preview" and gives flexibility for a student to choose a college of his or her choice. At the same time, a student can make most out of the college experience through joining clubs. Clubs serve as a foundation for networking among other students within the school. You find support among friends as college can be "demanding" with projects and such.
The best thing for parents and students to do when it comes to deciding what college to attend is to actually visit the school and attend their open house events. It will really help students capture the idea and objective of the specific school they choose. It will also help them become familiar with their surroundings and give them the opportunity to tour campus and possibly meet with their future professors of their desired major. They may also have the opportunity to speak with financial advisers and negotiate a meal plan, tuition payment plan, and board & housing plan. Visiting the actual school will help the student become comfortable with the institution and possibly even meet current students of their choice school. Parents may also get an idea of what their child's school is all about and gain the trust of the institution so their worries of letting their child go on their own won't be much of a concern.
To make sure its the college of your choice, and not some where that your going because you parents want you to, make sure its an equal decision. enjoy it, because the friends that you make there are life long friends.
I would let them know college is about finding yourself and doing what makes you happy. Also, stay foucsed on your school work, but at the same time don't forget to have some fun! College is about experiences and making new friends. I've heared that ones college friends are usually their friends for life. Just take a chance, plain and simple.
Do not restrict their kids by not letting them go away to a far away college, visit the college with the kid,
it is very important to keep your options open and not go with the first school you visit. Once your there, even if you do not like it, only YOU can determine if you will have fun and be succesful. Make the best of it