Saint Peter’s University Top Questions

What should every freshman at Saint Peter’s University know before they start?


Find an affordable college where you or your child can make good friends and allow a student keep good study habits as well as have fun every once in a while.


The best advice that I would give parents or students about finding the right college and making the best decision for them is to go and experience the college life for a weekend. Go on campus tours, communicate with the different students in the college and get responses. Also a great idea is to sit in a class and feel if you like the big classroom or the small classrooms. Feel the environment and the atmosphere of the college, and then you will find out if this college best suits you or your child.


i would advise incoming freshmen to go in as undecided and explore different fields in their first year before picking a major and i would also advise parents and students to avoid colleges that are specifically designed for one area of study such as pharmacy or med unless the student is positive that they will not change their mind.


make sure it's something your child wants because if they don't like it, then they won't want to be there and it would b a waste of time, money, and effort.


Visit the school carefully because you are going to be spending multiple years of your life there, so choose wisely.


Figure out the college that best suits your needs. For example, pick the college that has your desired major, clubs, or any extra-curricular activities you would like to participate in. When you apply, stay on top of your guidance counselor and make sure they submitt all of the papers such as your transcripts or reference letters. As a high school student, you want a college that will satisfy you, choose carefully.




I would tell students and their parents to make sure they research each and every school they are interested in. Also, factor in that tuition increases almost annually so to choose a school that not only is best academically but also financially. If possible, be involved in sports and activities, as well as complete volunteer work. Overall, just to keep options open and to be well informed before choosing a school.


When finding the right college make sure that you do reasearch and make sure that they have the major that you are interested in for some colleges do not carry all majors. Choose the college that you think would accomidate your lifestyle and that you know you would like to have your college experience at. Always remeber to have fun but make the right decisions first. Stay focused in your studies because that is what you are there for. The most important thing to remember is to be successful in everything that you do.