If I could go back in time to talk to myself as a high school senior, I would tell myself to follow what I really love and do not give into the pressures put on me by other people. I was always pressured into pursuing something in the medical field because of the money that it supplies in the long run and I wasted a semester and a half of college pursuing something I did not have a complete love for. I eventually realized that I needed to pursue what I love in order to be happy. Even though becoming a history teacher isn't going to put me in a mansion, it will make me so much more happier. I would also tell my senior self that I should take it easy and go to a community college instead of a University. I always thought that Community College was where people went who were not so smart or were going back to school. During my time in a University, I realized that Community College would prepare me for a University and would help with my financial issues so I transfered to a Community College.
I would tell myself to enter college with an open mind. High school is fun, but college is a completely different playing field. When you're handed that high school diploma, you're not just getting a certificate of completion, you're also getting a new sense of freedom. Although you will want to use all of that new freedom to hang out with friends or travel around, it is crucial to find a balance between work and play. Always keep your heart open in your duration at school. Don't be afraid to experience new things. Work hard, take risks and most importantly have fun!
Ive learned to be more responsible, To manage time wisely, and to take education seriously. A high school diplima now in days isnt enough, and ofcourse having a degree doesnt assure a well set job, but at time its not about the money, its about knowledge. the more knowledge you have the more power, not in strenghth but more of mental power. call me silly but thats what i think.
If I could go back and talk to myself as a high school senior, I would give myself many words of advice. I would first tell myself not to stress out over the little things in life. This first year of college alone has taught me that as long as I try my best, everything will be just fine. I would tell myself that just because everything doesn't work out the way it may have been planned, the world will really not come to an end! I would also tell myself to focus on what I love. I recently switched my major to Early Childhood Education with Special Education from Business. I have learned that I should do something in life that will make me happy everyday rather than earn a wonderful salary in a miserable business, and not to do something if it doesn't fit me.
I think there isn`t much that i could have said to myself. fortunatly, i have always been a good student, good at doing homework, great at researching any topic , respectful to my teachers and classmates. i believe that this makes it easier once u move to another level and other wold of education which is represented by the college life. i think if a person is used to challeges, and hard work, his or her path later will be easier.
The most important advice I would give myself as a high school senior would be to focus on setting goals for my education. When looking at schools, I gave up. I did not find a major I was interested in. I gave up. I would also say to not listen to my parents. Right about the time I was looking at schools my parents became embroiled in an ugly and bitter divorce. I was told point blank that there was no money for me to go to school. In 1992 there were not any online scholarship websites. The information was not forced upon us and I was too ignorant to know to ask. That is all I needed to become completely discouraged. So self, without any goals, much less clearly defined ones, you would become sidetracked and then end up as a single parent, depressed, and overworked with no time to pursue a degree. Do not give up! Your parents did not know anything about college, having never been themselves. It takes more than money to get what you want, but you have to know what it is you want! DO NOT GIVE UP!
If I was able to talk to myself during my high school senior year, I would have said that ever with all the work and extra time that college demands, that it is something that is only going to help me later on. I have spent the last two years trying to figure out my major, and now that I have settled on Anthropology, I would have let myself know, saving two years of confusion and worry. However, that would only be a small part of the conversation, the main information I would have given myself is, college takes a lot of learning out of the class, and though there is help, most of the learning comes from your own time and determination. There is so many things that I would love to tell myself about the next two years, but I believe that the conversation about the time management would be the most useful to the high school version of me. With that information, I know that the transition into college would be even easier than before, and would save much unneeded worry.
Have fun but stay focused, get your priorities straightend out and don't procrastinate. Get as may scholarships as you can and start off your college journey right. Don't be afraid to turn down your friends for something else like working or doing homework. Take extra academic classes if possible and join an extracurricular activity. Apply to as many schools as you can but, make sure you'll consider going there first. Save your money unless you absolutely need to make a purchase.
Knowing what I know now about college life and making that transition, the advice I would have given myself in high school would be, to have a focus and plan ahead. I now realize that without a focus limited amounts of progress are made. While with a focus it's easier to measure your progress and visualize the goal. It is beneficial to have a goal, but to also have a plan to get there. The plan you created may not always work out the way you wanted, but at least you have a foundation. Then if that plan does not succeed, you should always have an alternative.
The three main components for success are Vision+ Action+ Faith= Success. The components are different for every person, but generally having a vision, taking action to get there, and believing in that vision will bring you closer to it. Whereas, relying on faith alone will not bring you any closer to your goal. That is where I went wrong because, I believed everything would just happen for me, without action or planning.
Overall, it's better to have a plan and a direction, then to choice a direction and have no plan.
After attending a year of college, i discover lots of amazing things. From the campus and the student body, I was able to see other side of life. People who have the same desire and ambition like myself. I would teel myself that college is way different that you could image. College experince reakky changes the way you think and act with others. the networks that you build in college can go a long way in life. The feeling of accomplishing a goal is something you can only feel in college. Walking everyday in front of the building and knowing that one day you will have your diploma is something that not that many people can say. Going to college is where your mind is set free. Becoming the first member of your family to gradute is very unique. The feeling of knowing that everyone in your family, friends, and people you meet tat all of them are proud of you is a great feeling to have. So go to college and experince something that not many can say the have. Earn good grade so you can get scholarships for your tution and other college materials.