San Antonio College Top Questions

What should every freshman at San Antonio College know before they start?


If I could go back in time when i was a high school senior I would give myself this advice: keep taking my college credit courses, apply for more scholorships, and keep my grades up so I can be accepted to good universities. During high school I took courses that gave me college credit and high school credit at the same time. This helped me so much because i was already ahead one semester of college. So my advice to myself if i were to go back in time is to take more college credit classes. As for scholorships I would have to advice my self to apply, apply, and apply. There are so many scholorships out there that can help me through m college life. Overall during highschool i was a good student and had good grades but i would say to push myself a little harder to achieve the best i could. As for now I don't regret anything I have done from there this is my fifth semester in college and pursuing a career as an Interpreter in American Sign Language and I am loving every bit of it.


College is a very different enviorment. As a college student, you are expected to complete assignments and attend class on a daily basis. Unlike high school, the college professors do not chase you around asking for your homework assignments. In college you are given more freedom, therefore you must be motivated and determined if you wish succeed. The best tools to use in college would be organization and good time managment skills. With more freedom, comes more resposibility. In order to do well in college, your priorities should be on your education. The transition from highschool to college can be an easy process if you are determined and prepared.