The fall 2020 acceptance rate for San Antonio College is 100%. That means, out of _____ applications received in 2020, _____ students were offered admission.
What should every freshman at your school know before they start?
Cautiously, I would face the timid liberal and begin; "Do not be idle young man, do not be frivolous, the work you have put in pales in comparison to what still must be done. Not simply regarding your studies, but your duties; as a citizen of the world. Your duties are to be learned; to be the accomplishment of a generation of immigrants. To be aware, to see on any side of this shrinking world that there is suffering. And to be active: this world is changed by timeless suffering, this world is far from perfect. Now the journey begins."
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Describe the students at your school.
My classmates everyday you learn something new from my classmates. I learn about not only thier religion but their family background, the different thoughts due to political differences.
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What do you consider the worst thing about your school? Why?
The worst thing about the school, I am currently attending is finding parking. Its is getting harder to find parking spaces close to the building you have class by. The good thing about this is that it does encourage you to be early getting to class. You want to be early to get a great parking space and this causes you to be on time and early to your class. In other words, it is forced promptness and is effective to those who have a tardiness problem.
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Here's your chance: Say anything about your college!
I attend a community college. What makes my college unique compared to other schools, is the people, even tho my school is a community college, there are enough students to create diversity, and culture but small enough too not be intimidating for a high school graduates.
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Describe how your school looks to someone who's never seen it.
I think my school is very well organized and helpful and offers a wide varity of courses thats make find what you need and the help you need all there within the campus.
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What's unique about your campus?
The small classes and the professors are the best things. Since there are small classses, the professors really get to kow the students and try to help them in a very individual basis. Also, you get to know all your classmates and it is great to make study groups.
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What's the one thing you wish someone had told you about freshman year?
I would have loved to known about the college community here at San Antonio College. I believed that this was going to be a hard endeavor which would only be the beginning of the flood of college stress. However, I am entering my last semester here and that has still failed to happen. The transition from high school to college was made much easier by everyone at SAC, from the students to staff. I would love to have not had those worries, and now with heading to a new campus, I know that I am ready for anything.
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What kind of person should attend this school?
Any person that is willing to learn, anyone willing to better and challenge themselves should attend this school. There is not one perfect mold for a San Antonio College student , each one is an individual. The only bind that ties us all together is that we all strive to better ourselves. This school will help anyone willing to help themselves. Here you learn that you have to give a little to get a little. A person not willing to work hard for their goal will most likely not make it here.
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What kind of person should not attend this school?
Whay kind of person should not attend this school is someone who thinks their better than everyone else. Someone who is unfriendly and not serious or ready to begin their college career.
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What do you brag about most when you tell your friends about your school?
Whenever I talk about San Antonio College I never fail to mention the character of our students. Both inside and outside the classroom, working class men and women of all ages and both sexes struggling to educate themselves. I consider it an honor to be in a class with ex-convicts, young mothers returning to school, and tradesmen who must adapt to survive. They have families to care for, dreams rekindled, and loved ones to succeed for. They contradict the Prestige, and defend the universal, everburning light of education. Changing the world with every underdog who enrolls.
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What's the most frustrating thing about your school?
The most fustrating thing about this college. Is the San Antionio Colleges website because everything is so electronic these days, the way that they have the webcite set up, is confusing. Like, if you are trying to summit classes that you would want to take that semester and also pay online and no one knows how to manipulate the webcite to work with you. Also the colleges website has it to where you can email your preffesors if something comes up. Well the problem with that is that professors do not awanser it.
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Describe your favorite campus traditions.
My school is best know for the professors. The professors give upbeat and interesting lectures, and are always looking for the classes input to make sure they comprehend. The professors are always willing to chat with a student. Be it after class or in office hours, the helpful professor will always take time out to talk to the student about the given subject, college matters or life . The professors understand how stressful testing can be and is only interested in seeing whther or not the student grasped the fact presented to them.
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What are the most popular classes offered?
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