Savannah State University Top Questions

What should every freshman at Savannah State University know before they start?


From my experience in college I have gained so much responsibility. I learned how to orgainze my time to follow through with my school work and other activities. Between cheerleading, work, and school things can become stressful. The best thing to do is keep your mind on whats most important. My college experience taught me to prioritize all my activities, organize my time, and keep my focus on what is most important.


With it only being my first year of college I can say I have learned a lot. I have learned a lot of valuable life lessons, like listening when people are trying to help you out of what could possible be a messy situation and to be aware of my surroundings. I have also learned that college isn't about the parties and the social life. They may be nice, but they do not get you A's. College has been valuable to attend because in order to get a decent job when you graduate or get into the real world you need a college degree. Although college may not be the "real world" it does teach some valuable lessons that will help when we actually get out into the "real world".


Hey young girl, graduation is upon you. Do you know what life has in store for you? Can you handle the magnitude of responsibilities that will be placed on you in the next year? Are you prepared to work on a collegiate level? Well, listen up! I was presented with the same situation and asked the exact questions a year ago. I had my plans lined up from point A to Point Z, my short term goals and long term goals written out, and knew that my freshmen year (your freshmen year) would be perfect. The best advice that I can give you is remember that everything does not work out the first time. The process of making new friends and leaving your comfort zone with create discomfort. Do not make your discomfort contentment because you will not be able to enjoy yourself. Be prepared to begin making decisions on your own and relying solely on yourself. This is your first real step into adulthood. Do not let the college make. You transform the college! Everything is already instilled in you to have success, now go make dreams a reality!


I would tell myself to submit for as many scholarships as you can. Because a lot of the time you qualify for scholarships and if you don't research for yourself you can miss out on awards. Also, don't wait to the last minute to apply for school because you may not be accepted or may not have housing at the schol of your choice. Also, remember that your main priority is school and your social will come into play eventually. Be sure to get involved with campus activities to make new friends and to network.


If I still were in high school while also knowing about college life, I would give myself some advice that would keep me on task. I would tell myself to purchase a calendar and an agenda to write down my assignments and events, so that wherever I am, either on the go, or in my dorm room, I would remember my duties for the day. I would teach myself to be diciplined and to keep a strong mind to study and read a little each day in all of my subjects. Since I am a student athlete I would practice being more organized and keeping better time management within my sport, my studies, and my clubs or organizations that I would choose to be apart of. Most importantly, I would want to keep a strong mind by staying focused in college; there are a lot of distractions. Also, to end my high school career off right, I would continue to get the best grades I could to impress my choice colleges.


The advice that I would give myself is to be focused and work hard, but be socially active at the same time. I have been through life, had children, been in the workforce and experienced many things, but I know now the education I missed out on years ago was a mistake. But I do not regret what I have been through and what I have learned. It has made me a stronger and more dedicated student.


If I could go back and give myself advice about what IU know about college now, I would tell myself to stay focus. There is so much to do in college. It's like a different world. There is know in college to tell you what is right and wrong, no one to take care of you, and th only one who can control you is you. I would say that the point if coolege is to get an education and not friends and parties. I would also explain that in college when something goes wrong that I can't always call my family and ask them to fix my problems, and or tell me what to do. As a college student I am an adult now and I can no longer relay on my parents. Lastly I would tell myself to be me. Don't tey to be anyone that I'm not because If someone can't understand me for who i am now, changing isn't going to make me a better person. Inside or out.


If I could go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior the most important thing I would tell myself is to get serious. College is a whole new experience and its nothing like high school. As a senior I wasn't very focused and I didn't try very hard. But in my high school that wasn't a problem. You could easily just breeze through school. I would tell myself to get my priorities in order and think about where i wanted to be in ten years. Once I had a vision of where I wanted to be it would be easier to plan for my future because I would know exactly what it takes to get there. I would also tell myself that the key to success in college is the ability to study. When you actually learn information, instead of memorizing it, everything in life will come much easier. Sometimes the college life can be ovewhelming once you realize that you have no type of parental guidence, but as long as you stay focused on the future goal then youll be able to do what it takes to achieve any dream.


I have never been a believer in altering the past. In my opinion changing the past could potentially corrupt my future, and I feel fine knowing that I have not quite reached my goals for success. That is why if given the opportunity to go back to my senior year of high school and alter my decisions about college I would not. To be honest as my institution has grown as have I along with it. I am happy to be at this point in this time of my life.


I If I could go back in time and talk to myself I would tell myself several things that could make me a better person in life. One thing I would tell myself would be to get involved. Even though I played sports and was the captain for several years, I would tell myself to get involved in some clubs and other extracurricular activities. Another thing I would tell myself is to stay focus and ahead in class. Even though I had a good GPA I wish I wouldn't have gotten lazy my last year and kept up my GPA. I would also tell myself that I was really interested in going to college not to get caught up in the college life which is drinking, smoking, and partying all the time. I would also tell myself to not take college for granted because it's nothing like High School and that you need to do well in class and not lose focus. When you lose focus you could lose your HOPE like I did and now I'm trying to play catch up and paying for school out of my pocket or taking out loans.