You had to make the hard decision of choosing whether to stay close to home or go farther away. You are afraid of regreting your decision, but let me tell you to stop worring. |You will be okay and will love college. Get over being homesick; it will take away opportunites to make friends. Do not spend sleepless nights worrying about school because you are a hard working girl who has God by your side. He will not let anything bad happen to you. Remember, things happen for a reason so accept things how they are. If you would have stayed home, you probably would have not made new friends because you would have stayed with your old friends. Coming to a new place forced you to meet your new best friend. She means the world to you and is there whenever you need her most. Also, if you would have stayed close to home, you would not be part of a great program like the Southwestern Bulldog Marching Band. Southwestern is a great adventure and experience that will impact your life in a great way. Take the chance,spread your wings, and leave home. Remember, have fun!
The Angel on my shoulder would have definitely won most of the fights rather than the red guy if I could have given myself advice back then!!... As a senior all I wanted to do was party and hang out with all my friends, which was great because I rarely see them anymore, but I would give myself some advice on being more responsible and to realize "money doesn't magically appear in a wallet", as my parents like to say. I have enjoyed this first year in college, but goodness it is tought having to work 2 jobs and focus on school work. It is nice receiving help from my parents, however as I start getting better with this responsibility stuff, I realized it is such a good feeling being able to work hard for things and putting a smile on my parents face.
Knowing what I know now, I can't even attempt to think what advice I would have given myself three years ago. The only problem I experienced upon entering college was the fact that I didn't know how to study. I never had to in high school. But fortunately, I have figured that out via my own experiences. All of my other experiences have sculpted me to be the person I am today. All the mistakes I have made over the last 3 years while attending college and all the organizations and friends I have made have influenced me a great deal. I wouldn't go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior. I am proud of the person I am today.
Well, there are a few things I could say to myself that would have helped me now. I could tell my HS senior self to stop spending all of your money and actually save it for college. Make better study habits for yourself because you actually have to study when you get to college, and work on your form with your research papers. Other than that I was in concurrent enrollment in high school my senior year and I had 18 hours when I graduated I think I was decently prepared.
If I were able to go back in time and talk to myself as a senior in high school, I would tell myself three things to utilize while attending college. I would first tell myself to be more open to making friends and to be more accepting of people in general. I realized when I came to college that there are many different kinds of people within the world and simply because someone is different than I had expected does not make them someone I should avoid. I would also tell myself to learn while in high school how to manage my time more efficiently. Several of my professors at this school have told me that each student should spend at least double the time preparing outside of class as what they spend within the classroom. For example, a student should spend six hours outside of the classroom preparing for a three hour class. I did not come to college expecting to spend that much time preparing outside of class, but that is what is necessary to succeed in a university setting. Last of all, I would tell myself to have fun in college and always be myself.
I would have told myself get the meal plans every semester. I would also tell myself to work out a good plan with my advisor several months before starting college. Another thing I wish I would have looked into was CLEP ing out of more General Education classes. That is probably the biggest thing that I wish I would have done differently. CLEP ing out of classes would be the best way to insure how soon someone gets out of college. I wish I would have known more about it before starting classes. Other than that I felt that I was pretty prepared for school since I was in the military for 2 years before I came to college. Military life is probably the best way to prepare and be ready for a good transition.
i would tell myself to start school and not skip a year. I would tell my self to just go and get my GE classes done and explore around to figure out exactly what I want to do when I graduate. I would tell myself to take all the help I can get from the faculty on campus because they really know what they are doing here.
Study harder and don't be afraid to push yourself academically. Don't be afraid to fail if you are trully trying. Failure is a part of learning as long as you're putting it all out there. Go after your dreams and focus on them, they are yours and yours alone and they will sustain you in difficult times as long as you are faithful to them. Listen to and learn from those who love you. They do know more than you even if they don't. Just learn the difference. Enjoy life, you only have one shot. Inhale it everyday as though it's your last, for many it is and will be for you too. This is more valuable than anything. Learn to love knowledge, understanding, and those who impart it. Don't waste time with people who don't cherish their life. Call your mom, she misses you.
Give her up. She dumped you, you're coming into a new chapter of your life, enjoy it. Study a bit more than you did in highschool, sure, you can get by, but step out of the crowd and show people what you're made of, you can be the lion instead of the mouse, and the sooner you choose to do so, the better.
Always know that your future is in your own hands. Go out and have fun and enjoy college. It is the best part of your life. I was glad I prepared in high school so I knew how to study. Stay trueto yourself.