Southwestern Oklahoma State University Top Questions

What should every freshman at Southwestern Oklahoma State University know before they start?


allow yourself time to look over the school and visit and make sure its the right choice for you.


First of all, I believe that students should not limit themselves to looking at only one school. There is nothing wrong with exploring other options, you never know the opportunities that looking around could provide. There are many schools that can make a student happy, but a person needs to settle on a place that they feel most comfortable and feel that they can achieve their best academic success. If a prospectant student likes to be involved in on-campus activities and community projects, the student should look around campus and ask other students what types of activities there are and see what they could become involved in. When new students get to their school they just need to be themselves and nothing else. There will be others who will like them for who the are, and with those people a student will have no problem in making many memories and friendships that will last them the rest of their lives.


Visit the college and talk to some of the professors that teach in your major and/or minor. If you don't know what you want to do, talk to all the areas that sound interesting. Don't be afraid to say you don't know what you want to do, everyone doubts it at some point and most people change. Look around the campus and be sure it isn't too big or too small. Also, try to find returning students and ask them the best and worst things on campus to them. Maybe they will give you tips on the dorms, teachers, and activities that they enjoy as well.