Spelman College Top Questions

What do you consider the worst thing about Spelman College? Why?


The worst thing I would consider about my school is the slow speed in improving and rebuilding the freshman dorms.


The worst thing is if you are not financially stable. Many of my friends are stressed and depressed because of the possibility of not returning to Spelman College. Spelman College is very expensive and financial aid is limited.


Spelman College is an amazing place to learn and gain opportunities in the career field of your choice, however, the campus can be overbearing at times. Spelman puts a lot emphasis on tradition which can be a lot to handle when first arriving to campus. Spelman tries to be promote a liberal environment but mostly fails because of Spelman’s 'this is right and this is wrong' attitude. Spelman can seem confining for young women who do not wish to be 'girly' or 'fashionable' as the student body lacks a variety of types of women.


One of the things I can consider the "worst" at Spelman is the organization of some of the faculty members. Some of the faculty on campus are very unorganized and they are not always time concious. Some times we, the students ,receive information about events or scholarships or internships at the last minute when deadlines are approaching and it does not give us enough time. Also, some times things are scheduled or planned at the last minute on campus. Some professors are also not good in communicating effectively with students, for instance about their grade in a class.


The worst thing about Spelman College is that not too many scholarships are offered and they don't give a whole lot of financial aid as with most HBCU's. If you are really thinking about attending Spelman in the future you should apply for every single outside scholarship that you have time for. Don't discriminate based on the size of the scholarship. A thousand dollars here and there may not seem like much, but it goes a long way for a struggling college student.


The worst thing about Spelman College is the sporadic disorganization of events and other campus activities. This is a problem because it complicates having a smooth matriculation through the undergraduate experience and it slightly affects the school's external credibility as seen by other schhols and individuals.


Spelman College is an amazing institution and there is not many bad things I can say about it. One thing that I wish they could improve upon is the availabitly of quality food on campus. The cafeteria and student center do not have many healthy and organic options available. The college enviornment can be very chaotic and it can be hard to live a healthy lifestyle. Since a meal plan is required for all students that live on campus, It would be nice if the school implemented a healthy food regime.


The worst thing about my school is the food options on campus. I feel as though there should be a wider variety of options that include all dietary needs and preferences and also have the cafeteria and/or eatery options opened for longer periods of time.


Spelman College is such a great school so when I am asked this question I really have to think about my answer. After some thought, I realize that Spelman offers the best of the best in pretty much every area except for freshman dorms. The dorms are pretty old and do not offer air conditioning. They say its to "build character". Another thing is that you have to share bathrooms with the whole floor, its not too bad but still. There are also pros including the relationship that is developed with all of the young ladies on your floor.


Personally I am dissatisfied with the lack of diversity my school has academically. Students are limited to their choice of classes both in their major and as electives which doesn't help one to really realize what they want to do career wise. I am also extremely dissatisfied with the amount of financial aid provided to students. The only financial aid I am currently receiving is provided by my state and not the school. I don't even know if I can name a Spelmanite who has scholarship given by Spelman besides the Bonners Scholars.