Spelman College Top Questions

What do you consider the worst thing about Spelman College? Why?


The Dorms... Lacks AC


Spelman College is my dream college so there aren't many things that I would say are bad about my school. The worst thing about Spelman is that because they are perserving the older dorms on campus, most dorm rooms do not have central air. We have to bring a personal fan to have in our room in order to be cool in the summer. Spelman in located in Atlanta, GA where the tempertures can get up to 90 degrees or more in the summer, so ther's not much a fan can do in that weather.


The worst thing about Spelman College would have to be the high annual costs. It is over $40,000 and some familes don't even make that a year. It can become quite stressful when trying to figure how to cover the costs.


The worset thing about attending Spelman is that everyone else doesn't attend Spelman. Many people don't understand just how the culture of the school encourages young Black women to become leaders in all areas, and therefore they aren't certain what to do when they meet a Spelman woman.


At a prestigious college like Spelman you would expect for the campus to be updated. But the buildings are old and the food isn't the best. The freshmen dorms really need to be renovated and there needs to be more dorm buildings built so that students who are paying room and board don't have to be put in temporary housing! And Spelman doesn't know how to prioritize and spend their money on actual important things.


I don't consider anything bad about my school, I love my school.


I loathe not being able to finish a task I've started. One of my most current task is graduating from Spelman College in Spring 2016. Spelman is a private, all-female and predominatly Black institution; therefore tution and fees are more expensive than the average college. In addition, Spelman offers about 15 instiutional scholarships compared to the 2,500 student population. The worst thing about attending Spelman is the possiblity of not being about to complete your studies without being surrounded by debt.


The worst thing about Spelman College is it does not prepare its students for the real world. Not every student, like those who work to pay their tuition, is able to get internships to improve their skills in their field of study. Therefore, it is essential that Spelman prepare its students in the classroom. This is the worst aspect of the college because people go to college to become prepared for their future career. If students are not prepared, it makes it difficult for them in the work force especially in today’s economy when jobs are scarce.


The worst thing about my school is also one of the best things at my school. Spelman encourages and almost demands excellence from its students which can have adverse effects on certain students who become too competititive.


The location. Aside from the fact that it is a part of the Atlanta University Center Consortium, it is located in West End Atlanta which is a not so nice part of Atlanta.