The worst things the stereotypes because people have this picture in their head of how they think Spelman is when it is really another thing.
The lack of financial aid is the worst thing about my school. I have had a couple of friends that went home for winter break and never came back because they couldn't afford Spelman. There's so much that could be done to help students stay enrolled, but that can only happen when there is staff that actually cares about the students and their financial well being.
There is not a such thing as "the worst thing about my school". I love my school.
The worst thing about Spelman would have to be the fact that it is a place where you must try to fail. Now that can be a horrible thing for someone who just wants to glide through college. At Spelman one is forced to grow, it is a smaller school, so the attentive faculty and staff are always rooting for you.
Jordyn Nicole
The worst thing about Spelman College is it's location. Granted, this cannot be changed but it is so unfortunate that we are not guaranteed safety outside of campus gates because of the surrounding neighborhood. Nevertheless, campus safety does a great job at teaching prevention and trying to keep us safe in the area. It's a demographic issue moreso because most communities in the immediate area are underpriviledged. Oftentimes, my peers are robbed at gun point in broad daylight. It is truly an unfortunate ongoing occurrence.
The worst thing about my school would have to be the community its placed in. Just like most Historically Black Colleges and Universities, our institution is in a low-income community. We must be very cautious when out at night or traveling alone. However, Spelman is directly next to Morehouse College and Clark Atlanta Univeristy which creates a college enviornment that extends beyond Spelman's gates .
The worst thing about my school is the food and the tuition. The food because it could be better and the tuition because it cost too much.
The worst thing about my school is that to participate in most activities it seem to be a pledging process that occurs. As a all female institution, women are forced to conform to different stereotypes and social constructions that dictate how women look or dress which is ironic considering the motto of the school promotes 'free thinking women.'
I do not believe that Spelman College has anything bad about the college. It provides top notch liberal education and professors, has a lot of job opportunities and interships, mostly everyone has gotten a chance to go to different countries, and people build strong relationships at Spelman.
I believe that Spelman should improve its quality of food and acceptance of religious diversity.