If i could go back in time and prepare myself for college there are many things I would say to myself. For example I would tell myself to be more organized and keep a planner. I would also tell myself to study more and look over my notes. Also I would tell myself to be proactive and not wait till the last minute to get things done. I would tell myself to learn how to research things and learn where I could get help. All these things would have been very helpfull to know when I was a high school senior.
I would tell myself that when I get to college, to be outgoing. Do not be shy, you won't ever meet anyone otherwise. Join an organization, do something. It is a great way to meet people. But do not; do not forget to study for your classes. You are going to school to get an education. Education comes first, fun comes later.
If I could go back in time to my senior I definitely would have had a full schedule filled with classes that btest my mind to further prepare me for the tasks I would later have at college. I would have defintley work harder to try capture and maintain a position in the top 15{4a082faed443b016e84c6ea63012b481c58f64867aa2dc62fff66e22ad7dff6c} of my class. With the knowledge I now have I probably would have went to a college closer to home since it this is my first time being on my own and I need my mother and sister's encouragement as I try to obtain my degree.
Decide who you are before deciding what you want to do. I spent most of my high school life trying to fit a standard. I tried defining who I was in activities, sports, and countless hours of studying. From the success and feedback I got from those things, I then made a plan that I thought would fit for me. It was not until after I had graduated that I discovered those plans were not based off of who I was as a person and my desires, but on what the rest of the world thought would be a good idea for someone like me. When you discover who you are as a person and what you are passionate about and let the voices of everyone else around you fade out, you will see what you were truly meant to do. It does not matter what career your parents have pushed on you for years, how smart you are, or what would make you the most money, unless you are following your heart, you will not ever be satisfied in what you are doing. So be yourself and go make a difference.
If I could go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior, I would definitely tell myself not to be so scared. Graduating from high school was forever my biggest fear (leaving my friends and family behind was so hard for me), but college is more than worth it. I would tell myself that in college everything I learn is actually retained and used in my every day life, whereas in high school it seems to only about making the top 10 percent, etc. I would tell myself that college will end up being the best thing that's happened to me! I would say Hannah, don't be scared to make the leap away from home because you'll end up loving it more than anything else. I would tell myself that it will open countless doors just in the first semester. My high school self would learn to go ahead and make the leap of faith without being so scared because college life will end up being the best thing that's ever happened to me.
Thinking back on my senior year, which was not long ago, there are a few things that I wish I had known to make my transition to college a little easier. First, I would suggest applying for scholarships much earlier, as the university has early deadlines. Next, academics in college can be difficult, so continue to study hard senior year so that the transition will not be a great shock. Colleges are known for their junky cafeteria food and students not getting enough sleep. Before you head off to school, decide that you will eat healthy and get the right amount of sleep, as it will make your college experience so much better. Figuring out the details of how much the cost of school is going to be, in advance, is also a good idea. This will help you be prepared when your first bill comes in. Lasty, do not stress out, but enjoy the time you have with your family and friends. As long as you prepare in advance, you will be ready for the wonderful new experience of college life.
I would tell myself to start my college work at the local junior college instead of jumping right into a 4 year university. I could complete my general core course that would have transferred at a more economical cost and be an easier transition from high school. A junior college provides a high quality education in a personal, supportive environment where teachers care about the success of their students. I would also tell myself that I am more interested in information technology aspect of computers than the computer programming that was offered at the 4 year university at the time. I should look at what other universities offered that are more tuned to information technology or networking.
If i could go back in time, there is nothing different that i would have told my self. I pushed myself to strive for the best and only the best. I feel that i prepared myself for college because i already had my studying techiniques and i prepared myself for any hard work. One part of advice i would have given myself was to not stress over any work and to just take my time.
If I could go back in time and talk to myself as a highschool senior I would tell my self to lay out more boundries and rules to live by. I would tell myself to apply for more scholarships, and financial aid. I would suggest getting into a routine with a healthy amount of exercise scheduled in. I would warn myself about being too shy because friends dont come easily when you are too afraid to talk to people. And last but not least, if I could go back in time I would tell myself to appreciate the moments I have left with my family, because from now on they will be few and far between.
The most important thing is to stay focused. As with any college, there are many distractions present that can lead you off course. In comparing college to one's first experience in the "real world," it is common for one to want to have fun and forget about the importance of education. However, education is the single most important thing in a person's life. In today's world, a bachelor's degree is equivalent to a high school diploma in previous generations. Once you have decided to focus on education, become involved in as many groups and activities as possible. These groups and activities will most definitely help you become aquainted with the campus, classes, and will surely help make your college quest easier. There are many others who seek a degree like yours, and it is beneficial to take that journey together. "Two heads are better than one." When times get tough, keep pushing forward, because when you are finally holding that piece of paper known as a degree, you will experience one the most rewarding feelings in life.