Stephen F Austin State University Top Questions

What should every freshman at Stephen F Austin State University know before they start?


Dear Sara, I’m Sara, from the future. Pleased to meet you. You turn out a good individual, just keep doing what you’re doing- taking Pre-AP and AP courses, staying heavily involved in organizations, working on community service. But, coming from experience, try to work just a bit harder on applying for scholarships. There are far too many out there that you’ve missed out on, that you would have made a worthy candidate for, because difficult to find. Oh, no matter what, avoid taking 13 hours only for a semester. Even if it happens unintentionally, (it very well may), try desperately to avoid that- I know you, you will be bored out of your mind! Hmm… surprising as this may be, Deaf Education is what you want to major in. Music, Digital Media- as appealing as they are, you’re not meant for them, nor they for you. Other than that, don’t worry, have fun, you’ll make friends much more easily than you know. Also, never forget the words of Douglas Noel Adams, “I may not have gone where I intended to go, but I think I have ended up where I needed to be.”


Desiree i see that you are going to college. Here are a few tips; study extremly hard and never give up. Your grades must come first and you must be determined to succeed in order to graduate. Staying focus is the key and never give up when times are hard. If you need help speak up and dont be afraid to talk to students that have already passed or are doing well in class. Get a great private or group tutor and trust me you will do very well!


Most definitely I would tell myself to never give up no matter what and to not be close-minded to new experiences or diverse activities. I would also say to be involved on campus as well as in the community, because it will make your college experience more fulfilling and worth while. Don't forget to gain close bonds with your advisors and professors for they have the abiilty to help you in the future as well as in the present.


College has taught me to find my voice and place in my world. I have learned that every action whether positive or negative has a consequence--thus I try my hardest to make positive choices, to obtain positive consequences. I have learned to multi-task and prioritize. When I started college I also started working full-time. I have truly learned the value of a dollar and the benefits of budgeting. College is a privilege and it is something that you have to work hard for continously and not take for granted. There were so many people who wanted the opportunites I've been given so I've learned to put my work and education above getting caught up in all the negative sterotypes of college. College has been the most valuable use of my time and money, because I know that I'm building integrity, strength, and a better future for those who come behind me.


So far my college has taught me about resposiblity courage and strength. It taught me more responsiblity since no one is making me go to classes anymore. It has taught me more self will and detremination if i want to become that nurse then i will have to put forth the work that it takes to be a nurse. I have obtained great friendships that help me through my hard times. Knoing that if i attend this school i have a better chance in getting into nursing school since it is one of the best.


Although I would like to have learned more, I really did learn a lot throughout my college experience. It has been valuableto attend because I have learned about so many different topics and now want to learn about new things. For example, I never like history/political science before college. I am now considering getting a degree in International Affairs because of my International Politics class. Also, instead of just teaching us things out of the textbooks, many of my professors shared stories that could help us relate topics to the real world. I feel that I am now very knowledgeable about everything that is going on in the world and will be able to somehow relate to things that take place every day.


The most valuable part of my college experience has really been learning. While this may seem like an obvious statement I mean it very broadly. By attending classes I am learning if my field of study is what field I want to stay in, or if maybe a different field of study would be better. More importantly though is what college is teaching me outside of the classroom. College is teaching me that I need to know more before I could live completely independent of my parents. College is teaching me the value of money and the importance of saving. It is teaching me the importance of having someone to confide in. It is teaching me to be more accepting of other peoples’ race. College is helping me to become an independent woman capable of making her own decisions.


Independence is thrusted on any person who decides to attend college. I at first awaited freedom, but soon came to find that with this freedom comes much responsibilty. Being forced to schedule my classes and buy my own toilet paper has been a slap in the face by society. These things are truly easy and my struggle to get it all done is quite pathetic. I've discovered that it is of major necessity for me to know these things, and not only that, but that my life is comfortable and I now greatly sympathize with those who are less fortunate than I. Though college is place one learns many things, I truly believe that the most important of these are independence and the understanding of others.


Beyond the classes and making the grades, college life has really taught me how to be reliable and self-suffiicient. Back home, my mom babied me by doing my laundry and providing dinner every night. In college, that sort of thing just doesn't happen. I never had the problem in high school of neglecting my homework, so the transition to college life in that way didn't phase me. College life has taught me how to manage my finances. My freshman year I overdrafted on my checking account twice and had a tough time financially because of it. I teach privite music lessons in order to just fill up my tank to drive home. Finances were the biggest eye opener of college. The college transitionial learning experience has provided a perfect medium between living at home at living on my own. College has proven to be a valuable experience because it has forced me to grow up and take charge of my own life (my finances, grades, reliability) in order to be a successful member of society.


The fact that I don't go out and party, but have quality friends who accept that about me, has given me the opportunity to dedicate much of my time to my studies and be able to spend time with them working together, in the library for example. Because I've been able to work so hard on my school work, I recently received my acceptance letter into the school of nursing here and will be starting in January. That is by far the greatest reward I have received from my college experience so far. I also value my professors because they dedicate much of their time to helping us students succeed, and will take extra time grading or explaining things to us in order to be as fair and understanding as possible.