I would've told myself to work on time management.
You need to work harder in high school in order to get more scholarship opportunities in high school. SAT scores matter a lot more than you think, so retake the test. Start to apply for colleges the summer before senior year and research different majors to know which one you would like. Pick a cheaper school!
If I could tell my seventeen year old self anything about college I would tell me to apply to the schools that I now wish I had. When I was receiving all the solicitations from local colleges I tossed out the ones from the college right here in town deeming it “too close” and the ones from a college a friend applied to because it seemed “ghetto”. I know lots of people that are gratefully attending the colleges in town and my friend at the “ghetto” sounding college LOVES it. That school in fact was written up in a list of best colleges in my state. I am attending the school that gave me the best financial aid package, but since I didn’t apply to those schools I don’t know what they might have offered. I applied to the local college this year and was offered a decent package, but it was likely not as much as I would have been offered as a freshman and I am not automatically eligible for their honors program as a sophomore. Like my mom always says, “People regret what they don’t do more than the things they do in life.”
Take your college career seriously but have fun also. Interact with the other students and form strong bonds with them. These could be lifelong friends and collegues. Treat college as the beginning of the rest of your life. Get to class on time and always do your best. Also, be involved in the activities and clubs that are offered. These students will share a common interest with you and could also become good friends. Enjoy this time in your life before you have to settle down and have a full time job. Make the most of each day and of each class. There is always somethign to be learned from each class, from each teacher and from each student.
If I could go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior, I would explain the importance of education. At that time I was more worried about pleasing everyone around me by succeeding rather than succeeding because I wanted to. Education is very important to me now, but if I had this mentality in high school, then I could have made more self- oriented goals.
To go directly to Stevenson (Villa Julie College). I went to a Community College first for four years, because I did not know what I wanted to study. When I transferred to Stevenson, I immediately felt at home.
I would tell myself to take advantage of every opportunity that comes to me; whether financially or an opportunity that could be life changing. Also, I would tell myself to try and find internships in the field that I am interested in before going into college so that I will already be exposed to my desired field. I would also tell myself to carry a planner so that I can keep all of my tasks neat and organized so that I do not miss a deadline. Also, I would tell myself to read the textbooks that the professors advise us to buy before the course starts so that I will have some background on what is going to be covered in class. I would also tell myself to not only stay in academic clubs, but to branch out and join social clubs as well. I would tell myself to make sure that I have a very good relationship with my advisor so that they can get to know you and they can tell you about certain opportunities that would benefit you based on the field of study you are going into.
I've gained a lot of knowledge by attending college. Meeting new people and learning things that I know will help me in the future. I am going to school because of my passion for Graphic Design. Since the first day, I've learned many new tricks with Photoshop, InDesign, and Illustrator. Graphic designing helps me use my creativity and school helps me do more with it. In the future I hope to work for a large company and become a lead designer.
So far, considering I am only a college freshman, I have gotten so much out of my college experience. I have made new friends, taken new classes that are really fun and have been involved in many activities. It has been valuable to attend college because I am learning new things and having a great experience. College is meant to help achieve knowledge in order to be able to make it in the "real" world and it is a lot of fun.
I have learned alot of valuable information that i can use in the world and it is important to attend college because you further your education and you establish a future for yourself.