Knowing what I know now about college life there is a bit of advice I would have given myself. First off I would have let myself know, that it is okay to get stressed about work, but you just need to be able to work through it in a timely matter. I would have also let myself know that yes, the work load does come at you quick, but as long as you dominate it, then you will be able to work through it. The other advice I would have given myself is, school isn?t something to be afraid of, nor are the professors. Everyone is there looking out for you and wanting you to succeed, you just have to be willing to go find the help. The help isn?t going to necessarily run up to you, you have to go outside of the box to find it.
I would tell myself not to dwell on issues involving my social life. The issues will not last as long as they seem and it is very distracting to your education. Most friendships will not last either. Concentrate on your future. Stay very focused. Try not to get distracted, it will only hurt you in the end. Try your very best, nothing less.
Dear Lindsey,
So now is the time to make a huge decision, one which will guide you along your career path and steer you in one direction or another. Most importantly over the next few years you will need to surround yourself with people who are as driven and motivated as you are because the connections you make in college will serve you for a lifetime. Maybe you don't know what you want to do? That's fine, and here's what no one tells you, DO NOT save your Internships for your junior or senior year in college! You need to think of what you might like to do and Intern at a different place in that field EVERY semester. Another thing NO ONE will tell you... don't look just for "internships." Find out where you think you'd like to work or where you think might interest you and just call them. Tell them you'd like to volunteer, or work for free. You will not get turned downed or rejected. You'll get your foot in the door and learn whether you like that field or not. This is how you find your path.
Learn more about the different aspects of loans.
If i could go back to my high school senior year I would advise myself to put alot of thought into my career goal and choose it wisely. Not only to choose a major in which i would be most successful, but to also choose a major that I enjoyed and could use my current skills and goals to be good at. I would also advise myself to learn and apply study tactics because I have discovered that studying is one of the most important skill used in college. The last thing I would advise myself is to join more activities and clubs. Becoming a part of a club can impact the world in various ways and is also a great way to meet new people.
Senior year was the most exciting year of high school, kind of like how my freshman year of college is. However, if I could go back in time and whisper some advice in my ear I definitely would. I would start by telling myself that college would be like high school away from home. Besides the freedom of choosing classes and not having to listen to your parents all day, your peers are pretty much the same. There are cliques, and people who are judgemental no matter where you go. Being a female, I learned that the males are also much worse in college then they were in high school. I did not realize college was all about "having a good time" to them and not taking any girl seriously. I would whisper loudly to the high school Breana, "Do not worry about the guys especially your freshman year!". I would aslo tell myself to get incolved in at least one sport to make lots of new friends. My biggest transition from high schoool to college would ultimately be adjusting to a new group of peers and learning how to use them to my advantage.
Going back in time, knowing what I know now about college life and making the transition, I would advise myself as a senior to do career based research. I would advise myself to research the career that I would be spending the rest of my life doing. I would ask myself would I really enjoy doing this for the rest of my life and if so, do an internship or externship in that field to validate my aspirations about that career. Putting yourself into the actual workplace can either deter further interest in that field or further exemplify and strengthen your determination throughout your education. Knowing where your determination will lead can make the time go by fast and help you stay focused and keep your eye on the PRIZE- your lifelong career.
If I could go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior; I would sit myself down and say "Now you listen here you hard headed child. This college life here is no joke, it is nothing to play around with it will put a dent in your pocket, however it will make a better life for you. First thing you need to do is stop being lazy and go after grants ,and scholarships, get as many as you can. If your school costs$30 thousand a month, get $40 thousand dollars in scholarships. Loans are bad , and once you get out of college you have to pay them back. Scholarships and grants are not repayable.
The next thing once you get to college, it is a totally different world. The reason being is that you have entered the world of independency . Mom and Dad are not your care providers anymore, its up to you to get up go to class and study. Becareful of the parties an who you hang with. Good times will still be here when your dead and gone, now you need to worry about your career and your future, be smart".
If I could go back in time I would tell my high school alternate self that she should spend less time with her friends and get a second job because paying for college is not as simple as getting as many loans as possible. The application processes are difficult without a cosigner. I would also argue that if she did not want to get a job she should spend more time studying in hopes for academic scholarships because college is nothing like high school. It is unfortunate that my past-self might ignore my warnings but I would not give up until she understood that I am from the future and I have experienced college and it is a lot more than social gatherings and parties it is something she will really have to work on and devote all of her attention to in order to be successful.
If I ever had the opportunity to go back in the time and tell myself what I need to do to prepare for college, the first thind i'd do would be to start off telling myself, I really need to find the right college for me. Second I'd tell myself how important it is to get the grades and test scores in order to earn scholarships or financial aid. I got myself stuck in between a rock and a hard place right now and I'm regratting every moment of it. I made the mistake of just picking up my stuff and moving to Florida where I currently attend Full Sail University. I knew little about the school and found that I didn't like it and that it just wasn't the school for me. Now i'm trying to come up with the moeny to where I'll be able to transfer to an actual four-year university. Without scholarships none of this will be possible and I never had the grades nor test schools needed to get academic scholarshops. If i ever had the chance to change my life that's how i would prepare.