The advice i would give myself is to take as much credits or advanced placement classes and to put maximum effort in every material i take during the four years of high school. Also i would make sure to keep all the notes, homework, and exams organized and kept somewhere i can remember and look back on for future classes. I would also make sure to take advantage of the books and other materials that arent granted to you in college unless by purchasing the item. Finally enjoy the years of being with your friends, playing sports, having fun, and going to pep rallys and field trips because once you graduate its all about working hard and putting your all to what you decide is your next step in life and eventually make your dreams reality and accomplishing all the obstacles and goals that await for you in the future.
If I were to go back into time and talk to myself as a high school senior, the advice I would have given myself is first off making sure to use time management wisely. What I learned in college that it is extremely important to manage your time because as a college student you are on your own and responsible for your tasks. Your mom or high school teacher isnt going to be there to remind you what needs to get done or what homework assignments you need to complete. So managing time is really important and this helps you get through your college career and grow as an individual. Also, I would tell myself that it is important to get involved on campus. Joining school clubs and organizations could help build a resume and make you feel less stressed about school work. Plus you'll make new friends who share the same interests as you. I feel that these 2 factors could help any college student succeed in their college career and motivate them to continue their studies such as a masters degree or PHD.
I would choose a school closer to home, and probably one with more people. I would also choose a school in New York instead of New Jersey. I would find out more about campus life, and choose a school that isn't a "suitcase" school.
The advice I would give myself as a high school senior would be to stay focus more and pay attention to every little detail there is to know throughout school in order to further my education in college. One course in particular that is difficult and is challenging was Sociology, only because there is so much to grasp at one time. College is a great experience to give me a chance to grow and pursue my dream on becoming a Nurse. When I was in high school I did not get out until mid afternoon, adjusting to college was quite easy for me because I got to choose my classes and was done before two each day. The choice of attending a two year college first instead of a four year college was the best decision I have made because it is not too stressful and the tuition itself is much lower than a four year college. In the end it is all about staying focus and knowing that I am one step closer to accomplishing my dreams. One last advice is to not listen to the opinions of others especially if their not positive and further your education.
I would first tell myself not to waist time thinking about going, that we should just go. Back then I hadnt alot of self motivation or self courage for education, so I would have to convince myself that it is for our purpose of basic enlightenment. I have always dweeled in the mystics of life.
Advice I would give to myself would be to be more prepared for college. Understand that college takes a lot of time and effort to get the grade deserved. Also, to realize even though there is a lot of work to do , you should always have time to enjoy college. After my Freshman year at Stockton College I realized that I needed to organize myself more and learn to organize my time. This year so far has really been great. After I learned how to manage my time, school seemed to be easier. I suggest incoming Freshman should take my advice because it really helped me get through my first two years or college and my future years to go.
Do as much as possible and get involved as soon as possible.
If I could go back to my senior year in High School; I would change a lot about myself. The first thing that I would change about myself during my senior year would be my grades. I would try my best to study harder, actually go to class, and pay attention more. In high school I had a hard time studying, so when if I didn’t get an assignment I would just quit. I also got suspended a lot in high school for arguing, fighting, and not following directions. If I could go back to my senior year I would just ignore what some students were saying to make me mad, I would follow directions, and try not to being so mean to people. I also would not skip school and help other people try to get out of school early. I did some pretty bad things during my senior year and basically all through high school that I am not proud of. If I could go back to my senior year I would try my best to apologize to everybody that I ever hurt or disobeyed
If I could go back in time to my high school years I would change a lot. I would not have dropped out in my eleventh grade year. I would have studied and paid attention in class and not skip school. I would have applied myself more and make up my mind on what I wanted to do with my life. And not put my self in situations to get in trouble. Back then I was only worried about going out and being a teenager. Rebelling against my mother or other authroitive figures in my life was all I wanted to do. The advice would be to pick a career that is going to get me some where in my life, and pay good as well! Save my money so I could have my own stuff, and go straight to college. And not to worry about what the cool thing to do was, just the right thing.
College is not like high school where teachers force students to participate and become involved. College is a place where you must start to look at who you are, what you want in life, and how you are going to get it. In college, you have to go to class and make an effort to earn your grade, unluck in high school. Instead of shying away from classes intially that you know nothing about or are afraid to take because rumors have told you they are difficult, take risks. In taking these courses, you may find something that you want to be involved in the rest of your life. Apply for many scholarships, but even more internships, because those are where you learn your priorities and gain experience. If you can, go away from home for an internship and truly feel the oncoming independence. Make friends with your teachers because they generally can teach you more than their course matter and are good people. When you come to a new college and do not know anyone, join clubs; you will be able to make friends with similar interests. Do your best and what your heart desires, you will succeed.