My advice to parents and students who are trying to find the right college would be start early; as soon as you get the chance to look at colleges. Look at all types of schools, because you won't ever know that you truly love a small school if you have never been to a big or medium sized school. Most importantly, disreguard titles and reputations. Decide on the school you want by what seems to fit you (the student) the best, and what feels right as a school. One knows the school of their choice when they arrive, its a good and comfortable feeling.
As far as making the most of the college experience, get involved! college is what you make of it. When one goes off to school, such great opportunities present themselves such as networking, leadership training, social developement, and things such as that. I would never have the commections that I do now if I had not become so involved my freshman year; I even was ab;t to become an RA duuring the second semester of my freshman year as well as an Orientaion Leader. And lastly, make wise choices, and be responisible for yourself.
My advice to parents and/or students about finding the right college and making the most of the college experiance would be to really research and find one that's a perfect fit. The most important piece of advice would be to do well in highschool so that you can get a scholarship to go to the school that you really want to and not have to settle for what's affordable.
I would tell people looking at schools to be thurough and not to get hung up on one. Really look around and search for the right school. Make sure they have everything you are looking for and not to settle for less because there are so many schools that one will have to fit what you are looking for. dont give up searching and do not be loose on your applications. Also if possible take tours and set up interviews.
The most important thing to do when finding the right college, is that you should definitely visit the campus. If you don't know what it looks like or where it's located, or even how the atmosphere is on campus you might end up regretting your decision. Make sure the college has your major if you are decided on what you would like to study. Also, you have to make the realistic judgement on whether or not this college you want to attend is in fact affordable, for you or for the person who is paying for the cost. You have to ask yourself if you feel comfortable being at this college by yourself if you are going to live on campus. Finally, you must want to go to the college and you must make the decision based on what you feel is right. The decision has to be for you and you only, not your parents or for your friends; because when it all comes down to it, your future is in your hands...
Do your homework! Visit schools, ask questions, and make sure you know as much as you can find out before you choose the school you will attend!
Look for a school that has the major you desire and is well known in the community or state. Better to go to a bigger school then smaller due to you seem to get better teachers. Athletics can open up windows that your grades might not let you get into. Always talk to multiple students on vists to see how they truely see the school not just the way advisors and tour guides see it. Students will let you know their true feelings and how the classes are. Better to attend a good academic school over a party school because you future should be the most important thing when attending college and this is while i transfered schools to get a better education then my last college.
Always try to visit the college. Don't just take the tour the college provides, go off on your own, talk to some "real" students (not just the tour guides). Go out into the surrounding community- make sure it is really the RIGHT school. Do not trust the reputations attached to a school's name until you see for yourself.
Once you choose a school, go to the freshman orientation- it is an easy way to meet some people before you even move in to the dorms (or where you might be living). Once you do move in, meet the people living around you. Chances are these are going to be some of your closest friends for the next few years. Leave your door open. The biggest thing though: go to as many events as you can and meet as many people as you can. The connections you make in the first few weeks of that first semester can have a BIG effect on the next few years of your life.
Make sure people there are similar to you
If you are not sure of your major yet, go to a community college and then transfer to a good college. Community college will bring your grades up and save you money for your first year, then you can decide what you want your major to be.
College is your key to a successful future. Many students chose schools which take them to far away places or where they can have the best possible time but if there's one thing I've learned, it's that college is for your education and to make you the best person you can possibly be. When looking for schools, parents and students should look for a school where they can get the best education for the field they intend on working in. It may not be the school which is right by the beach or near cool clubs, but it will help you be prepared to go into the real world. There is always time for fun, but time management is also a very important lesson to learn. I am involved in cheerleading at my school, a theater group, and I work two jobs while attending school full time. Even though I'm constantly on the go, I make time to relax or involve myself on campus and become a integral part of campus life. Enjoy your time in college with friends and activities but don't forget why you're there: to learn.