Stony Brook University Top Questions

What are the most popular student activities/groups?


I wish the nightlife in Stony Brook village had more substance to it. But at least NYC isn't too far away.


Sororities, Frats. I am involved with the blood drive group. It is very good because many people give blood here on campus. Yes a few leave doors open, including me. Athletic events are not popular with students, more so with outside parents and children on the community. Dating is good, many people have found LOVE. Well i met them through facebook and/or LRN. If i'm awake at 2, i am on my computer, Regatta. Every thursday, friday and saturday, sometimes wednesday and or sunday. Frats/soror are important for parties to go to. Clubs get boring for people. Last weekend I sat on my computer. Play raquetball, hang out with friends in a dorm, play Taboo. I go to the mall and window shop because i don't like spending money at Hollister or any of these "preppy" stores.


The most popular clubs on campus has to be fraternities and sororities. Athelitics are up and coming and hopefully will be a successful program. You meet most of the people you know from class or around your building. You can also meet people through your friends. Traditions at Stony Brook include the Roth Regatta and Spirit Week. You can watch movies on a Saturday and have fun.


there are a bunch of dance groups on campus, cultural clubs, greek life, etc. it seems as though there is a group for anything, and if there isn't, you can easily start one. Since its such a large school, it is really easy to meet new ppl and ppl are generally very friend in class. I came to stony brook not knowing a single person and was able to make friends very easily. In addition, there are always a bunch of events going on, that will suit almost any kind of person. if you enjoy bars & clubs, there are a few nearby. If you're a bit more laid back, there is a movie theater, bowling alley and plenty of on campus performances & events (like comedy shows). Shopping in the area sucks though (smith haven mall is really the only nearby option). There are a few beaches nearby that are great for the summertime, but many of the closest ones charge for parking during the summer if you're not a brookhaven town resident. Plenty of ppl complain that stony is boring and there is nothing to do, but thats because they're not really looking and just like to complain. I was always able to have a good time, whether just hanging out with ppl in the dorms or going out to nearby places.


When i was a student at SBU my roomate and i would always leave the door open if we were relatively close to or in the room but others were way more cautious. Most of the people I met at SBU lived in the same hallway others were met through different friends. ???????Saturday??????


To my knowledge the most popular organizations are the Frats and Sororities... one other club that seems to have a big following is SASA. I'm involved with Stony Brook Motorsports. We are an organiztion that designs, fabricates, and tests an off-road vehicle (Mini Baja). In the dorms 3 years ago, people used to keep their doors open. Now, not as much but people still do. I dont. Athletic events are popular (mainly football). I met my closest friends in the dorm halls. Studying or watchin tv at 2am on a Tuesday. Tradtions: midnight breakfast (line is wayy too long tho). People party when ever they want to. It also depends on what type of major you are involved in. Some have much more work than others. To me.. I dont think frats and sororities are important at all. Last weekend I went out with my friends to a bar in port jeff. Go out to dinner.


greek life seems big. dorm life is great only bcos we make it great. quality of services and facilities offered are ver very mediocre. ppl study a lot to get their grades. we work hard and play hard too. every weekend theres a party somewhere. thank god! off campus housing is ok too, but its easier to dorm.


as a freshman or sophomore, you'll probably spend your time partying with the fraternities or end up at your local nightclubs around campus which cater to stony brook students.


I don't know. MIP. I stopped going to meetings because we never really did much at them. In some dorms- not really mine so much. Athletic events are popular among athletes; I don't think guest speakers are too seems to be a big deal. I don't know about it- my boyfriend lives in Boston. I have close friends from highschool here. I'm close with my suitemate. She intoduced me to another really close friend. Studying or getting ready for bed. Roth Pond Regatta, Strawberry Festival, Homecoming A good amount. Pretty important- they're everywhere. Studied- I had 3 exams this week. Hang out with friends/go see movies/study. See movies, go to the mall, go food shopping, go sit by the docks in Port Jeff...


Football, Baseball, MENS Soccer. Im involved with mens soccer. Its a great group of guys and is my family on campus. Athletic events are not popular here. I met my closest friends through soccer. 2am on a tuesday im studying. People party often. Last weekend i went home. On saturday nights you can go out to eat or go to a club.