Stony Brook University Top Questions

What is the stereotype of students at Stony Brook University?


Stony Brook professors= Nerds, some nice, some not that nice... science classes can be challenging! Stony Brook Students= Smart, fun, competitive...


Stony Brook students are, for the most part, not much fun and everyone goes home on the weekends. Most Stony Brook students do not speak English well.


Stereotypes about SBU - There's nothing to do on campus, mostly a commuter school, About SBU students - That they all cluster into groups (based on race) and are narrow-minded, people are unfriendly


Some people think that nothing ever happens at Stony Brook and that it is a "suitcase" school where everyone goes home every weekend. Also, others have also described it as a party school or one where everyone is a science major.


I wasn't aware of any before attending, in fact I had never even been to Long Island. However, once I arrived and moved in, I quickly realized why Long Islanders have such a bad rep! Most of the student body was composed of them.


I'm not sure about general stereotypes we are very diverse.


The majority of Stony Brook students are known to be Pre-Med, especially the freshmen class.


Everyone is Asian, everyone commutes, it's the most boring school.


That Stony Brook is a commuter school. That every other person is from Asia.


Stony Brook is looked at as a party school with really smart students