Stony Brook University Top Questions

What is the stereotype of students at Stony Brook University?


Everyone is asian, and it is a boring. Everyone goes home on the weekend.


That the school is huge, the dorms and classrooms are over-crowded, the buildings are old. On the plus side, the school has a good reputation, especially for the sciences.


They are mostly Asian, they go home on the weekends, they smoke a lot of marijuana


Black people are always discriminated, always they are accused of stealing stuff. Indians are always considered smart, but the reality is, a few aren't.


We are from Long Island and that we decided to attend Stony Brook either because we failed to make it into NYU.


That it's a huge party school and we drink/smoke too much


Some of the stereotypes that i have heard are that most of the student population is asian. Also some people have told me that there are a lot of drugs on campus, they only think this because of the way SBU used to be. Another is that some people think it is a commuter school and very few students stay on the weekends so they feel they will not geet the true college experience.


Everyone goes home on the weekends. Below average intelligence. Lots of really Fobby Asians.


- Stony Brook has an ugly campus. - Stony Brook is boring. - The food is not good. - Food is expensive.


A stereotype about Stony Brook is that Asians are a major population of the student body and that they all tend to "cling" to each other and don't really spread their wings and experience other races other than their own.