Stony Brook University Top Questions

What's the one thing you wish someone had told you about freshman year?


I would have seen a benefit in learning about the pros and cons of distance learning from a previous StonyBrook distance learner. It would have also been nice to have a pre-admission phone conversation with a current or previous distance student. A phone call with a student with distance experience would enable a new student to ask questions about how this type of environment will work into their lives. I would have also benefited from knowing all the resources available to distance and on campus students prior to attendance in an attempt to utilize all the benefits offered.


I wish I had known that eventually work out. I transferred from University of Michigan to Nassau Community College, and now to Stonybrook University. I was introspective from my first day in college, and uncertain as time progressed that I was in the right place to get the most out of my education and pursue the most rewarding degree. My passion is learning, but my drive was gone with other concerns hindering my freedom like finances and apprehension about core requirements. In this process, I learned that hard work pays off, not materially, but in terms of personal rewards.


I knew college was going to be quite distant from the comforts of high school, and I think that I was well prepared for that. It would have been helpful to know how tight the scheduling was and that certain classes were in such high demand. I only found out that Stony Brook was so tough to adjust to once I started attending. However, I would not change my choice.


I wish I had known that they were going to close my campus (Southampton), because I would never have wanted to attend a university as cuthroat and aggressive as the main campus of Stony Brook.


A roommate contract sounds corny and absolutely cheesy, but take advantage of one. This could solve huge problems for you, even if you don't suspect that you will have any. Just do it. Also, bring lots and lots of snacks (the food is good, but you'll want stuff in your dorm). And learn the buses before it's cold! And speaking of colds, bring tissues and medicine in case you or a friend gets sick. Cough drops will save your life!


I wish I had known not to buy books before the semester starts. Some of my professors don't use the books and one of them even changed the book he wanted to use at the last minute. Also I have found out about other avenues to buying books such as Amazon or other used book sites that are much cheaper than our on campus book store.


I wish that I would have known how good of a school Stony Brook really is. There is so much that they have to offer.


I wish I had known about the parking situation- there aren't many commuter-friendly parking lots. The campus seems to be oriented towards students who live on campus.


I would have like to known more about the class sizes. The freshmen classes are huge. and I personally do better in classroom settings that can offer more one on one attention.


I wish I had known how expensive food was, I would have better budgeted my meal plan.