Stony Brook University Top Questions

What's the one thing you wish someone had told you about freshman year?


I wish I knew that most professors taught on the basis of their research and not on actually formal teaching. Also the large sizes are throughout the your years here at Stony Brook.


Not many aerospace resources.


Dead weekends, long distance from urban areas and stores


That I was not going to be happy there because it was my own fault that I didn't research the school enough. I just wanted to be somewhere where I could come home often.


The weekends are considered "dead" on campus, but when I lived there, I used that time to study. You need to be aware that Stony Brook is a very TOUGH school. We are ranked #2 as the hardest graded college in the nation by the Association of American Universities. This means that many students do not receive A's here, no matter what major you enroll in. Be prepared to work hard.


I wish i wouldve known that the administration cares so little about its students. I wishi knew the students were so unfriendly and that every thing is super packed. I also wished I'd known that on top of my tuition the school raises is own charges which are useless becuase they do othing to actually make life better for the students, becuase they sink all of the money on construction projects that can wait for cheaper fees and better funding for students.


That some of the classes I took could have been taken at my local community college which is closer and less expensive.


How easy it os to take part in extracurricular activities..


I wish I knew how competitive it was because I would have taken the first semester more seriously. I figured it was a state school so it would be easy.


I wish I had known that the academic advisors are not very helpful at SBU.