Stony Brook University Top Questions

What's the one thing you wish someone had told you about freshman year?


I wish i knew that the weekends were so dead here. You forget that it's a commuter school and therefore most people are not around during the weekends. There is also less dining options offered over the weekend due to the immense decrease in number of students.


I wish I would known how competetive Stony Brook really is. I made a disjudgment on labeling Stony Brook as a not so competetive school, but being a major in the medical field I see that I can't take this school for granted.


To have fun on this campus, you have to be involved. There are alot of clubs and activities to take part in and when you take part in such things, you feel a sense of school spirit that has been growing stronger each year. As a freshman, I joined the Marching Band, LGBTA, and Geology Club. All of these things allowed me to do so much and made me happy throughout the year, whether it was because I was cheering on the football team or rowing a boat made out of cardboat and duct tape across the pond.


I wish I had known what undergraduate college would determine what quad I was placed in my freshman year.


what it is to be responsible I'm learning it the hard way


I wish I knew that the students get free massages at the infermary. I also wish I knew about their study abroad program. I would have take advantage of these things years ago.


I wish i had known about time management and how much of a difference it really does make.


What I wanted to do with my life and the requirements thereof.


I wish i knew more about the campus environment, which is not very friendly. Many students feel out of place and unwelcome.


The social scene