Stony Brook University Top Questions

What's the one thing you wish someone had told you about freshman year?




How many Asians there were on campus.


How many commuters there were, how dead the campus was on weekends, and how science oriented the students tend to be.


I wish I had known about the TA opportunities. My career goal is to become a teacher, and I think that being a TA would have been not only helpful in assessing the type of work a teacher puts in, but it would also loko great on any resume for such a job.


Save money for your masters degree.


I wish I had know how competetive it was. So many people are premed and they are all vying for your place. I dropped premed because I decided I didn't want to be that type of person. Luckily Stony Brook has a great psychology program as well and I am much happier now.