SUNY at Albany Top Questions

Describe the students at SUNY at Albany.


I don't have a ton of experience with them but they are certainty available. I don't really think any students would feel out of place here. I know a girl who graduated with just 12 kids and she loves it here! Students interact with different types but cliques tend to form. Four tables... Preppy group, gamers, sports junkies, Asians. Most students are from New York State. This school is definitely more liberal, what college is not? Students here tend to think they are going to be successful depending on what major they are in.


They are the most fun people I have ever met.


People are pretty accepting and open to making new friends. Most people are just relaxed and not too stressed out. Typical dress for some is dressing nice, others just wear pajamas to class. It really all depends on your personality and you'll find that at Albany they differ a lot. The financial backgrounds tend to differ, but I have met a ton of people getting aid from the school, as well as those who work to pave their own way.


SUPER SUPER diverse. Yeah about 80{4a082faed443b016e84c6ea63012b481c58f64867aa2dc62fff66e22ad7dff6c} of the students are form Long Island but not all of the kids from LI are the same. you can even find people form out of state as far as California here at the university. Great for meeting all types if people. Yeah you have some of your social cliques and groups that find each other. But its as easy to make your own group. Theres a club or sorority or whatever for any type of person. to class everyone looks like they just rolled out while others actually get readyy for class (so freshman) but yeah its semi like high school but bettter.


Most of the students here at the university are very open-minded. SUNY at Albany prides itself on diversity and this is something I can only positively speak about. The population on campus range from old (as old as 65) and young (as young as 15), African-American, White, Hispanic, and Asian, straight and gay, rich and poor, etc. There are also over 150 student groups on campus. There is almost a group for any/all interests. Despite all these differences, all the students thrive and live together without any issues. Being a member of the residential life staff, I am also exposed to how individuals interact. Some students are drawn more towards people they find similar to themselves, and other love to explore outside of their comfort zones. There is however almost no conflicts among different groups because of differences in any form


my classmates are realy nice and friendly, they have always helped me when i needed it.


My classmates at Suny Albany are often friendly and open to learning about new people, cultures, values, and experiences. Throughout my college career I have never felt like I could not speak up or give my opinion about something in class that we were reviewing. My classmates are very understanding and open to new ideas and they encourage each other to speak out about their life experiences. Together we create a comfortable and safe environment.


Hard working, dedicated students whose ambition is to be successful.


I don't know my classmates well but they surprise me.


My classmates are diverse outgoing and, for the most part friendly.