SUNY at Albany Top Questions

Describe the students at SUNY at Albany.


There are many students in one single classroom (or lecture center). Sometimes so many that it makes it uncomfortable asking qestions. But if you don't understand something there is always a student near by who is willing to answer your question (that and the professors office hours). Because there are so many students, sometimes you don't want to attend class because you feel less connected to the professor. On the flip side, there are many small classes in this institution to so it kind of evens out.


The honest truth is that my classmates like to party and study.


There is a mix of highly devoted scholars, and vapid kids there to party.


My classmates are extremely hard working students who strive for nothing less than a 4.0 GPA. Along side being academically competitive, they are always willing to help out others, many involved in tutoring programs within school as well.


Women and men are equally treated.


For the smaller classes, my classmates are very motivated to learn the material. Of course, not all of them are like that and some are there because thy have to be and don't like it.


This task is impossible due to the diversity displayed throughout our campus, but one word that could be used to describe most students is hard-working.


My classmates are hard-working students that are easy to find common ground with and share many of my feelings about workload and extracirriculars.


They are different, nice, weird, mean, similar, and a new experience for me.


My classmates are attentive and they take notes when the professor lectures.