SUNY Albany is a very diverse school and they have tons of programs and events and clubs to make sure everybody has a variety of activities to involve themselves in while they are attending the school. I believe that is what makes it so unique. Even if they dont want to involve themselves in any of the clubs, they cannot resist SUNY Albany's famous Fountain Day. This day is only celebrated at SUNY Albany and it is a day for they whole school to kick back, relax and come together in unity.
The school I am currently attending provides various opportunities and I do not know how I would have performed differently if I attended another university to which I have applied. I am open to many majors but have my heart set on being a pre-med student, so I believe I receive academic support from various individuals and with the friends i have made, I could not wish to be anywhere else.
One thing about the University at Albany that I find very unique is how diverse our school is. There are students and faculty that come from over one hundred countries, to attend or work at the University. With the University being so diverse it helps understand people's background and that there are millions of different opinions about the littlest thing, I think because the University is so diverse it helps me be more open minded about the world and what is going on within it.
When comparing Suny Albany and other schools, I always prefer Suny Albany because at Suny Albany it have many different majors we can chose from and it is public school so the tuition is not that high, which is an amount most people can afford. Another good thing about our school is it 's very big, it contain uptown and downtown university. Which give us more space to study.
I had no choice but to go to this school. We will leave it to that. But I am trying to make the best of it and boost my grades with the few classes that interest me.
everything about this place is diverse
We have fountain day where everyone goes inside the fountain and have a blast.
The school is very conducive to each students' academics as well as a broad range of activities and events. transportation around the school is easy and free, security is tight and work on a 24/7 schedule so students feel safe. The living style on and off campus is remarkable and enjoyable. the scenery and surrondings are nature-like and can offer a broad range of things to do around. The school is not far from the town where one can experience city life.
I feel like everyone gets along and we can all come together and have a good time.
Although it is a really big campus and has a lot of students, this school is organized in such a way that it is easy to find your way around. Most people tell me that they were intimidated when first hearing about how many students attended SUNY Albany, but changed their mind about it after seeing our campus. Also, there really is something for everyone at this school, no matter what it is that you are interested in.