SUNY at Albany Top Questions

Here's your chance: Say anything about SUNY at Albany!


I think I have correctly stated what I wanted to say. The school is a shithole, no one takes personal responsibility for anything, the bureacracy is completely out of touch of the student body, the kids would rather numb themselves to the world then find out the truth and they are both helping the other to do it...


UA offers a lot but students here have to be proactive to get 'their money's worth.' The facilities and student body are large enough for students to find their place and fit in.


UAlbany is a great school and I strongly recommend it to anyone looking to meet a ton of new people and be exposed to a lot. This school will make you a little tougher, since you might have to fight your way onto the bus, and cautiously walk home. But that can be a good thing. There is alot of school pride, so be prepared to hear random UA UA UA chants or the ever precious UA, YOU KNOW, which I often hear being screamed at the most random times. It's easy to get caught up in the school spirit, UAlbany really does have this over all united charm to it. While it is one big cement block, it makes the school one of the easiest to navigate, once you can tell the building apart. All the building are located around the major fountain, so you never have to worry about running up and down hills to get to a class on time. There is also a great "tunnel" system once the bad weather starts, which is October until April. The dorms are shitty, but they're fun too. The food sucks, but that's college.