SUNY at Albany Top Questions

What's the one thing you wish someone had told you about freshman year?


I wish I had know the impact dorming on campus has on a student's life academically and socially. Also, i wish i had known that the students party excessively during the weekends.


I wish I knew how big the classes are. Some of them are a little bit too big for me.


That it'd be a good idea to join clubs early on, to get to know people sooner; that it's a good idea to know people on your floor in the dorms; that you shouldn't slack off too much on homework.

Young Joo

I did not attend this school yet but something I do wish i knew before attending Albany is the many oppurtunities offered on the campus. I am looking for schlorships and different ways to pay for my college fees and tuition and it would be helpful to know where i can find oppurtunities for a job or a special schlorship


nothing, albany had great brochures and campus tours to get all the information you needed.


I wish I knew more about my major and the fact that I'm allowed to look outside the box and take classes that aren't included in my majors list of classes.


Before coming to SUNY Albany I wish I knew that the weather was going to be different from what I was used to growing up in my hometown.


Not much I think I knew everything I needed to know.


I really wish I knew more people and joined more clubs. Since I was a trasnfer student it was hard to meet new people and adjust to a bigger school.


Nothing specifically.