SUNY at Albany Top Questions

What's the one thing you wish someone had told you about freshman year?


The inportance of finding equal time between classes, school work, social life and a job. A good balance is key for success.


i wish i had known that this school is very strict academically and that it is not like high school. you can easily pull off an A in high school without studying however it is quite a difficult task in college. studying is a must and this is very good information. this school does, however give chances. they give you warning, then probation and then this is when you have to pull yourself up and do extremely better.


It is a little hard to make friends at first. Just need to put yourself out there. Its a great school.


The only thing I wish I had known before deciding to come to Albany was the terrible weather that we sometimes experience. The wind and cold really gets to people in the winter months. It forces everyone to stay inside and out of the bitter cold. Some may use this as an excuse for not getting up to go to class, but there is an extensive tunnel system here that allows us to navigate from classroom to classroom without facing the cold.


I wish I had known that it would have been cheaper to buy my own micro-fridge. I also wish I had known that there are buses that come to campus every day that bring people to NYC or else where, and that you can buy tickets on campus.


I wished that i had known that most of the buildings were grey and looked alike.


I wish I had known more about the class sign up process, the S/U option for grades and general academic information that advisors really don't tell you.


i wish i would have known the area where most students get off campus housing better. it is not a very safe place.


I wish I had known how much work I would need to do in order to do well. It's certainly not like high school in almost every way. I wish I could redo college again and get better grades. I wish someone had told me not to mess around freshman year because it will always affect you later on. I just wish i had known what I was getting into academically. The school itself is great, but I wish i had known exactly what I needed to do in all my classes ahead of time.


Social life didn't revolve around geting drunk and hooking up.