SUNY at Binghamton Top Questions

What's the most frustrating thing about SUNY at Binghamton?


Traveling home via the Greyhound bus. I wish there was a train that would come to Binghamton; it would probably be more convenient.


I did not think, when I chose schools, that the surrounding area would matter very much. However, it does. There is not much to do around Binghamton and anything that there is is not very close and usually requires a car. There are buses to the bars downtown and there are buses to the grocery stores, although I have been stranded by them before, but there are not many recreational places to go and spend time.


School is very supportive to school of business, which could be both an advantage and a disadvantage. It is advantage for business school enrolled students, however, other students might complain about this.


The climate and the tuition is the worst part of that school. It is always freezing up there during the winter and the tuition is about 20 thousand a year if you dorm on campus.


The weather here isn't much colder than the weather in my hometown, New York City, but because I have cold-induced asthma, it does make a difference to me. During the winter I try to avoid walking outside as much as possible, and it becomes frustrating when I'm in a hurry because I may need to choose between the shortest route and the route that allows me to cut through buildings for the greatest proportion of time. The weather does have some benefits, though, like super-fun snow days, and it is beautiful in the springtime.


The campus is very large so walking from class to class in the cold winter temperatures is frustrating.


The most frustrating thing at my school is the internet connection, the network constantly kicks students out and I have had to go to computer services about a "virus" that quarantined me from using the internet, but no virus exists. The internet is an important tool for a college student and it is extremely frustrating when a vital tool does not function properly.


crazy unpredictable weather, diversity without interaction


The most frustrating part of school for me is still being in Binghamton. I love the school, but I hate the area because I grew up here.


The most frustrating thing about my school is the area in which it is located. Binghamton University is surrounded by