SUNY at Binghamton Top Questions

What's the most frustrating thing about SUNY at Binghamton?


The thing that frustrates me most is that there have been talks to privatize SUNYs. It bothers me more than I can say how concerned people seem to be with making the most money off of everything -even the education of middle class families like the ones that attend Binghamton. An affordable education at a University that has a very good reputation should not attract the attention of money-mongerers. There should be a greater understanding that making people pay money back their entire lives for four years of school is ludicrous & should be a crime.


Sometimes administration is a little unresponsive, and the dining halls are terrible!


The cold weather makes it difficult to walk around campus to go to class, library or the dining hall. On Campus part-time jobs are also only given to those students receiving financial aid and neighboring businesses don't like to hire college students which makes it impossible to get a job during the academic school year.


There are not enough computers in the library.


The administration isn't all that great. They seem to be concerned with an image that is largely a joke to many. Large class sizes can scare you.


I have had few frustrations with my school. The cost is a bit overwhelming, especially since I have a family to provide for.


The most frustrating thing about my school is that its located upstate where its gets real cold. With the snow and cold weather everyone on campus seems to suffer from having colds to not being able to go out evenings. Sometimes this unbearable weather stifles activities you would want to do with your friends outside such as running around or laying down on the quad outside to do homework.


the courses where a gratuate student is teaching - they seem to not have very good teaching skills ; don't speak good english


The school faces a lot of budget cuts as per the state's economic plans. Therefore, class sizes are somewhat large, it is difficult to get one-on-one time with professors and you sometimes feel insignificant. Also, the weather isn't very hospitable.


The cold weather during the winter kind of makes you want to say in bed and not get out of your room.