SUNY Buffalo State Top Questions

Describe the students at SUNY Buffalo State.


Friendly and Warm


Students at Buffalo State SUNY are complete with a wide range. All students at my school are unique in a way that they are focused on their future goals and strive to be the best they can be. We all come from different states and some from different countries, all with different backgrounds and life experiences.


Overall, I think t he majority are very friendly. On the first night at campus there was a party called the "First night." There were random people coming up to me introducing themselves and talking to me. Coming form NYC where most people are somewhat rude, I thought it was very nice.


Many of my classmates are like me. They came here from other schools where they felt the school system was not supportive of them or offered little outside the classroom. Here they feel they are given more attention.


Classmates are typically loud, obnoxious, and rude to others who are actually not going for free.


My classmates are enthusiastic and interested in the material we are learning.


My classmates are diverse, which makes my expeprience at Buffalo State exciting and fun.


My classmates at Buffalo State are always ready to lend a helping hand whether in class or out of class.


In the classroom you usually have students who want to get an a, people who have to try hard to get a good grade and people that don't care.


Students in SUNY Buffalo are like herds. They move and socialize with only with those they know. For example, many Koreans can be found in this school just because you can see them meet as a group and you wouldn't see any other foreigners in that group. Students aren't racists because they do this, it's just because they are comfortable being around people they have similar interest with. However you can find people interacting with other people commonly on campus. Sometimes you'll come across people that are rude and cocky but never feel annoyed of them. Just ignore them and do what you were doing. They will eventually stop bothering you. It is best to play a sport or play an instrument because many students in this school have that common interest.