There is every type of group at this University. There is an LGBTA, a Hillel, Chabad, Filipino-American Student Association, Black Student Union, Inter-varsity Christian Fellowship, Brothers and Sisters in Christ, Muslim Student Association, Soccer Team (men's and women's), Frisbee Team, Anime Club, Water Polo, Club Tennis, Japanese Student Association, College Democrats/Republicans, United Nations Student Alliance Association, etc (a complete list can be obtained from typing in UB SA clubs into google). Each group is open and welcoming to ALL students, without discrimination. They want involvement, they want participation, and they want to have fun.
A student that is anti-social, very closed off, and looking for a close group of friends or "clique" to hang out with will feel out of place. This is not high school part 2. This is college. The students that come to the University looking to recreate their superior high school lives will end up joining sororities or fraternities (greek life), and will have their entire college experience within that box. Those students usually end up being drama filled nut cases who are overly miserable with their lives, yet so happy at the same time because their souls feed off of drama and a false sense of an elite status to remind themselves that they are better than everyone else. Those 2{4a082faed443b016e84c6ea63012b481c58f64867aa2dc62fff66e22ad7dff6c} of students are what make up this University's Greek Life.
Students wear anything to class. I personally dress nicely. I see students wearing sweats, work clothes, clubbing clothes, street clothing, anything really.
I personally interact with all students. Some students stay within their niche groups. But for the most part, there is interaction between students, especially among the younger students.
There are no cliques in the dining halls. If there were four seperate tables of students in the dining hall, they would all be freshman, because freshman eat in the dining hall. There tend to be high school jocks who find other high school jocks, and they work out together and then eat at the dining hall together afterwards. But for the most part, there are no real cliques at the University, just various groups of friends (mostly based on what floor you happen to live on).
Most students are either from Buffalo, Rochester, Long Island, or Westchester. This is especially true for freshman. Older students will find more international students and commuter students in their classes and/or group of friends.
Most students are financially stable. There are not necessarily wealthy students here, although there are a few. Most students do live comfortable lifestyles.
Students at UB are NOT politically aware or active. The campus is very non political. There are hardly ever protests. When there are, they are usually pathetic and die out after not even an hour.
No one discusses their future paycheck.
If you were to go to the student union ( you could say this is the main building on campus where all students go), you would never feel out of place. There are many varieties of students everywhere you look, of all different religion and political affiliation.
There are many different types of people at this school, but not a ton of interaction between different cliques. The athletes tend to stick among the athletes, Greek life among Greek life, art kids among art kids, etc. It's easy to find your niche here and also easy to meet different types of people, but those different types of people probably won't become your best friends. Some of the clumping is just common sense- most nursing majors are female, most engineering majors are male, etc. The best way to branch out (if that's what you want) is to join multiple different organizations and take classes in different departments. Also, don't assume that just because you're at a big school you won't see multiple people you know every day. You will. So don't try to get away with sporting pajama pants and unwashed hair to campus.
There are enough students at this school so that it will not be hard for you to find students to love and hate. Students from all backgrounds and interests go to UB. Many students are Asian, as UB is a major school for international study.
There are enough students at this school so that it will not be hard for you to find students to love and hate. Students from all backgrounds and interests go to UB. Many students are Asian, as UB is a major school for international study.
The University at Buffalo is an incredible melting pot of diversity. We have students from all over the world and it shows in the variety of colors seen in the class rooms. We have various clubs that represent every ethnicity. The greatest part of these clubs is that they intermingle so that all students can learn about the different people at UB. If there were four tables in the dining hall, at each one there would be a odd grouping of people. You would see at one table a student with a cast after having a great run at snow boarding. He would be laughing with his friend who had a Pokemon key chain hanging from his belt. They would be eagerly discussing a recent Bills game while another student checked his homework assignment on his phone. The other tables would be similarly diverse. The best part about our dining halls is that they allow all of the students to come together on common ground.
First of all, there are many international students. They are from all over the places in this world. Each year there are many study-abroad students visit UB for a year and learn. This will increase the religion-diversity and social diversity. There are so many international student associations which everyone can join to learn different cultures and others. If you want to interact with students from other country, you can definately join your favorite country's student association and participate in mayn events they hold.
the studetn are very diverse, there are so many countries represented you can not pinpoint one type of person at UB.
UB is a very diverse school. There are all kinds of people here from around the world. There are people with different ethnicities, political views, family backgrounds, social classes, sexualities, etc. It seems most people here are from lower middle to middle class. Different types of students interact all the time. It is generally the people who seclude themselves who don't interact with others, but that is by choice. Most students are not politically aware or active. Students occasionally will talk about how much they'll earn one day. Usually in the manner of someone telling someone else they have a dumb major and they won't get a job and then there's some type of argument/discussion about it. Students wear whatever they want to class. Most wear jeans and a t-shirt or sweatshirt depending on the weather. Some Muslim women wear black robe like things that cover their body to the point where all you can see is their eyes. Don't worry, they're friendly people too. Most people are. There is too much drug use here. It's almost expected that people will assume you take drugs just because so many other people do.
We have students from over 100 different countries, but people tend to group together based on where they're from. A typical classroom setting will have a very diverse population, but the different groups tend not to mix too much outside of class. That being said, it's a pretty tolerant campus, with a large emphasis on respect and support for LGBT and ethnic student organizations.