An adage goes thus: "The older you get, the wiser you become." This is so true with what we go through in life. If I could turn back the hands of time as a high school senior, I would listen more to the words of wisdom my parents and elders around gave to me.
As a teenager in high school, one tends to do whatever he or she pleases. That is when peer group is at its peak; and we do not realize the importance of the most basic institution of all time which is family. Friends may abandon you in the long run; but whether good or bad, family will never leave you all alone. Realizing the love, advice, and support from my family has made my foundation as a college student stronger.
College life is so different from what we lived as high scholars. Back in those days, there were lots of partying and having what we thought was good times. However, college is the real thing because it is a stepping stone to what we want to be in life; and I owe my family gratitude for helping me make a wonderful and successful transition to college.
If I could go back to high school and give advice to myself about college, there would be many things I would say. I would have told myself to apply for more financial aid. Though the College is fairly inexpensive in regards to tuition, there are many outside costs that need to be taken into account. I also would have gotten involved in more activities sooner. I am currently involved in many extra-curricular activities, and have made so many wonderful friends and colleagues- I only wish I would have realized this sooner so that my first year would have gone by more smoothly. In addition to this, I would have focused more on my general requirements instead of just my major classes. These requirements greatly affected my grade, and I had no idea they would have such an impact. Going to college was one of the best decisions I have ever made, and I am eternally grateful that I am taking this journey at the College at Brockport.
If I were to go back in time and give myself some advice I would tell myself to be myself and not worry about what everyone else thinks. Once you get to college you will find people just like you, so dont go out of your way to be someone you are not. I would tell myself not to forget who I am and where I came from. Dont change your values or morals for anyone. Keep your head up and join as many clubs as you can, get involved and you will have more fun. As far as the school work goes, it might seem hard at first, but you will get used to it and in a month or two you will be just fine.
Don"t be nervous because your nerves always get int he way, be sure to proritize because you could miss out on some really great things and take on just a little bit less than you think you can handle because the stress can really take a toll on you. Always smile and embrace every experience because there is no other time in your life where you greatest moments flourish.
I would tell my high school senior-self to get into good study habits right off the bat. I became a library lover, but unfortunately not until around the end of my spohmore/begining of junior year. With all the social activities and opportunities to hang out with people it was hard to set aside time for school work. If I could go back I would do my homework/studying at the library right after dinner so I could get it off my plate and hang out with friends later at night.
Besides making sure you give your school work serious time and effort, I would tell my senior-self not to waste any opportunity to have fun and go out. Now that I am graduated, I think that my 4 years of college were the most fun I ever had and I regret the nights I didn't get motivated to join the group fun. It was the best time in my life so far because I had the adult-like freedom (both personal and from responsibility) but did not yet have the responsibility of adult life yet (bills, job, etc). It was the perfect balance to live in :)
Let me just say I love college. I have growin into a more matured rolee of thinking. College is not just about a lengthy process a person must get through in order to get a piece of paper, the degree, so they may continue on to a salaried position. It's about the atmosphere and the people that occupy it. It's about the relationships, both academic and personal that are devloped between people. It's about the opportunity, that not everyone has the advantage of, to be in a classroom and be educated. You have to experience it to really understand. I would encourage anyone, even remotely interested to make the choice to attend college and strive for whatever field of study most interests them.
I've gotten a lot out of my college experience so far, and I'm only a first semester sophomore! I've found new friends, new confidence and a general path of where I want my career to go. I've also found a greater love of dance which is really important. College at Brockport's Dance Department is great! I've really grown as a dancer and learned numerous new things about myself as well. If you are a dancer and want to continue your dance career into college and beyond, the College at Brockport's Dance Department is a great stepping stone for that.
Throughout my college experience I have gained understanding of others. I feel this is critical because I believe the cause of numerous problems begin with a lack of understanding and accepting each others differences.
At the age of 41, I am excited to be entering my junior year of college. Since experiencing college, I have learned that I am extremely capable of succeeding in anything on which I set my mind. I have become more independent and confident in my own thoughts and abilities. And I no longer fear the challenges that are set before me.
The experience has proven to be more valuable than I could have ever expected. In January 2010, my husband of 15 years unexpectedly left me and my daughter. As difficult as it has been, I am incredibly thankful that I have an attainable goal and will be able to support myself and my 12 year old daughter. The example I have her thrills my heart. She has seen me persevere through difficult classes and circumstances. She has watched me fall flat on my face and gracefully get up and keep walking. I had no idea that attending college would have such a positive effect in such a distressing situstion. My education is priceless to me.
First I have gotten an excellent education and have enjoyed a majority of the classes that have been required for me to take. Secondly I got great friends including sisters in the sorority I joined, which was one of the best decisions I've made. It gave me opportunities to hold executive positions in the organization and experience running events with a group of people.