My advise is simply this: college is all about the experience so don't dwell on making sure everything is perfect because sometimes the imperfections are what makes it all the better, especially in the long run. Yes, college is a big step for many parents and students to make but it is a good one to make because college shapes us in ways that nothing else can and makes us ready for the world outside of school. And to the parents especially, don't try to take complete control of the college choice for your son/daughter because if they do not like where they are than they are not going to be able to truely experience college the way they are meant to. Just remember: college life doesn't last forever, so enjoy it while you still can and good luck!
When looking at schools, don't look only because of the location. You will miss many great schools. Choose a school that is strong in several areas. If a student decides to change their major, they may not need to go to another college to get a great education. If the student has never been far from home, don't pick a place that is a great distance away. Let the student decide. It will hopefully be the place that they spend the next few years. They need to like the choice that is made or thy will be starting off on the wrong foot.
Find a college that will fit your taste. Find a college that will enable you to become who you want to become. Find a college that provides the extra-curricular activites that you have always wanted to participate in. Find the college that a size you would be comfortable with. Find a college that is all about their students and achieving their student's goals. Find a college that is diverse. Find a college where you will be able to build an equal amount of time for your social life and your academic life. Find a college that will be challenging and reward you with a degree in a timely fashion.
SUNY is the way to go
Make sure you pick the college that bests fits you. Visit all of the colleges you are considering and get a feel for what the college will be like. Look at extracurriculars & athletics & how they help with getting jobs in the future.
Parents: Let the student decide, yes some opinions are alright but giving too many opinions makes a student want to rebel. For most this is the first time away from home living on their own so allow them to open up and explore
Students: Go with the first choice, if it isn't as you expected with campus tours and speaking with other students when you get there there is always the option to transfer to your other choice
To the parents, please allow your college bound students to make the choice of which college they will attend. You may provide your opinion and advice but ultimately leave the decision up to them.
To the students, follow your heart the choices that you make determine your future.
Always visit the college before hand so you can learn about their specs and so you can get a waiver for the application to get in. To make most of your college experience, be sure to join clubs and sports so you can make tons of friends. Take it from me.
The advice I would give to parents and students in finding the right college and making the most of the college experience is to look for a college that has a well balanced curriculum that matches the students career choices. They should also look to speak to an academic advisor ASAP to ensure they are taking the proper courses required for their degree. Parents should look for a school that is reasonably priced, small class sizes to ensure more of a personal interaction and engagement with the professors. Parents should also consider the cultural diversity and makeup of staff as well as students and take a look at the colleges' track records in regard to safety and policy adherence. They should also take a look at the surrounding community that the colleges are a part of. Student should really focus on their school studies, ask as many questions as they need to of their professors (and develop a rapport with them) and not assume the professors are mind readers or will cover something you might not know about. Its your education, your future, your life, so make the most of your educational experience.