SUNY College of Agriculture and Technology at Cobleskill Top Questions

What should every freshman at SUNY College of Agriculture and Technology at Cobleskill know before they start?


Serandon, you have half a day senior year, you should go to college for half a day! College is not nearly as scary as you think! And get a job! Its fun to work and go to school, it keeps you busy and your mind won't think as much! College is going to be fun and you're going to meet a lot of new, pretty cool people. Stop stressing and worrying about it! Just enjoy:)


I would definately start planning things and buying things much sooner. Enjoy.


Freshmen The college experience is very important to most new incoming freshmen. For the first time in their life they are free from the restraints of their parents, and can do whatever they like. From what I’ve seen, most freshmen screw up their first quarter at college, so make sure to get off to a good start. College is a time where you gain your own independence, but with more independence comes a lot more responsibility. College is also a time where you learn your limits. Learning your limit for how much you can blaze, drink, and study. Pretty much just growing up and becoming more mature. Don’t be lazy, go to lecture, do the homework, and make friends. To me the college experience is experiencing everything college life has to offer. That means going out, meeting new people, joining clubs and a fraternity all night cramming sessions, as well as all night gaming sessions. But most importantly the college experience is experimenting and experiencing new things. To me college is about making mistakes, because once you’re an adult you can’t be making those same mistakes. Also,education will help your good experience no mixtakes experience.


My first year at SUNY Cobleskill was very valuable to me. First of all, my roommate was an international student from Oman. It was really interesting to live with her and learn about her culture. Seeing her interact with her friends and speak Arabic was so amazing; I always tried to figure out what they were saying! Second of all, I'm generally a quiet person, but throughout my two semesters, I became involved in three different organizations. I've become more outspoken and willing to take risks. Originally, my major was culinary arts. As I got a more realistic idea of the field, I realized it wasn't for me. When I changed to accounting, I was much more confident in my career choice and motivated in my classes. I've always been somewhat independent growing up, but attending college away from home has allowed me to take care of myself in many aspects, but mainly staying organized and planning for my future. In general, college has made me more confident, more involved in social groups, and overall a stronger person. I feel much more prepared for the real world and the many opportunities that will come to me.


What i have gotten out of my college experience so far is, that in order keep up in this world you have to have an educating. With out an education it will be very hard to keep up with a basic life style. Many people around me i feel dont understand and i feel that me going to school will show them that an education can only better you it wont hurt to have that paper saying that you have a college degree and to me this is most important. I will be the first t go to college in my family. I feel that i have some thing to prove and by me going to school this will happen and this is very important to me and other.


My college experience, from the very first week of classes taught me that it really is nothing compared to high school. There is no one who is there to tell you what to do. I?m refereeing to doing school work. If the work is not done that?s it, no turning anything in after the minute it?s due, no retakes for tests. You have to learn to make the appropriate decisions with school work. Also buying book from the bookstore on campus will burn an enormous hole in your pocket. The first semester of college I spent hundreds of dollars on books. My second semester I bought my books online and saved hundreds of dollars. Two important tips before you start school is to put your head on straight and do all school work, the other is to buys your books online.


A lot of high school kids have unrealistic expectations of what college life is going to be like and they often set themselves up for initial disappointment. College offers many new opportunities, but I don't think most kids should expect to be crazy about it right away. It takes time. It is OK to miss your high school friends at first. It is OK to be homesick. More kid than you realize share these same feeling but are embarrassed to admit it to others. Kids should know that it is OK if you are not crazy about college immediately and probably many other freshman share the same feelings.


I would tell myself to relax. There will be enough time for everything. The road less traveled is always the roughest, but it makes all the difference in the end. There is a light at the end of the tunnel, you can acheive your goals with a little hard work and perseverance. In your free time have fun, but don't over do it, know your limits. But most of all, believe in yourself, even when no one else does.


if i could go back in time to high school, i would say to myself "buckle down. dont procrastinate and become a good time manager. dont worry about popularity and material goods, an education is more important. get the homework done and dont be a fence sitter. also start filling out scholarships now, or you will be fighting for every penny to stay in college and haveing your whole eduction sit on a game of chance by bcoming an RA. change your life now while its easier and sav both of us the trouble."


Never give up on what you want to do in life.