Knowing what I know know about college life and making the transition, I would encourage my high school self to stick to the academic regimen I had for myself because it paid off in my attempt to maintain a high GPA. I would put more of an emphasis or real-world/life experience such as balancing a check book and not spending money on silly things because I am paying for my own education and housing so I have learned just how important the value of a dollar is!
My best advice if I could go back in time would be to listen to my mother and not procrastonate, and really focus on my work, because now that I am in college I feel that it can be a real difficulty for me to sit down in a quiet space and do the homework the night it is assigned, so that it doesnt build up and then not have enough time to finish it to the best of my ability.
Go through school working hard on homework and pay attention, it'll make all the difference. Go and visit the colleges to see which college might fit better, instead of picking a college that you know people. Have to really focus and learn how to study and what works, since college is a lot harder the high school and they don't prepare you enough for whats ahead.
I would advise myself to take every opportunity handed to me. The years after high school really do go faster then you could ever imagine. Even if you don't know what you would like to go to school for, take a variety of classes, something may intrest you that didn't before. I would also advise myself to ask for help, and to talk to people who have been to college. If you don't speak up and ask for help when its needed, no one is going to know you need it.
If I could go back in time and talk to myself as a highschool senior the first thing I would say is make sure you keep good grades! I would also sayu to join in every community service possible, and join clubs become an officer. I would also recommend getting a job and a credit card to build up some credit to be able to get loans. DO NOT wait until last minute to find loans, I've learned my lesson big time on that one. If your not a ery social person I suggest getting yourself out there before you go to college because at college you are going to have to do some things that you will be uncomfortable with. Go into college with an open mind and a fresh start.
Stay far from timid. You need to forget the sterotypes placed upon you in high school, college is a whole new world. There are new people to meet and new dreams to be reached, so don't let the past hold you back from making the best of it. Be the person that you know you truly are. You need to open up and be yourself from the start, you can't be shy. You can't be malleable to fit others expectations, or else you will never find real, true friends. Even though college is about making a new future, you can't forget the past either. Yes, you need to make new friends and explore the jungle that you have been thrown in to, but you cannot push aside those who have helped you get to where you are now. Remember your family, remember your first friends, and even remember your enemies. They have all allowed you to become who you are today, so always keep that in heart and in mind. You can never forget where you come from. When you have to leave the comfort you have known, always be true to yourself.
If I could go back in time to talk to myself in highschool I would start off by saying "take your time in choosing a college", the second peice of advice would be " Dont just choose the first college keep looking, there are other college have what you looking for as a major". The next thing I would tell myself if I could go back would be " Don't get dishearted if you and your roommate don't get along. Sometimes it just doesn't work out", and I would also tell myself "you don't always need everything that you think you do. You should really contact your roommate and decided what each of you will bring, this will save you money". I would also tell myself that " College is a new chapter in your life, don't abuse it you are paying for this, so try your best in college. But also have fun, dont just bury yourself in your work get out and enjoy this time, it will go by fast".
Make sure you do all of your school work on time and remember deadlines for projects. Making friends is easy especially with your roomate and people in your residence hall so that shouldnt worry you. College life is more than what you expect it to be. Its alot of hard work but it is an exciting and fun experience.
Start college as early as possible. It is not easy to acclimate to the campus environment once you get older.
Make sure to visit the school, because it may not be what you expect. Consider all factors when selecting a school, like money, distance, and majors. Do not just pick schools that your friends are going to because you may be dissapointed.