SUNY Cortland Top Questions

What should every freshman at SUNY Cortland know before they start?


If I could go back in time to talk to myself as a high school senior, knowing what I now know about college life and making the transition, I will tell myself to learn better study and paper writing skills. The way you have to do research, write, cite and study in high school is no where near what it is like in college. I had no idea what APA format was when I reached college let alone how to properly cite something. I also would tell myself to learn how to conduct proper research and the difference between scholarly and non-scholarly journals . I spent my undergratuate years pratically living in the academic support center receiving help with the above mentioned skills These skills are very important in your success in college, If I had known that back then I feel I would have had better adademic success.


Have fun in college and make friends. They are going to help you make the transition to a new life. You may start to realize that you lose track of some of your friends from high school but if you make the attempt to keep in touch with them, they will keep in touch with you. College is about new experiences and you are going to enjoy those experiences with new people as long as you let them in. Most importantly, don't go to school to be an engineer. You are going to realize that going to college to make a lot of money in the future isn't what you want to do. Besides if you go to an engineering college you might join the Marine Corps like I did. You have always wanted to be a teacher so do it and stop worrying about how much money you are going to make. And last but not least, Meaghan is likely to become your fiance if you can forgive her her mistakes. Have fun and be happy, these will be the best years of your life so far.


The most important thing is to actually visit the college(s) that you are interested. By doing so a student will be able to narrow their choices of schools. The most important factor other than how the school's program is for the student's chosen major is if this student sees themself living at this university. They need to see themselves be comfortable in this environment or else it will not be a great four year experience for them.


To find the right college, you honestly much visit each one, and know what you are looking for. Make a list before going to visit the schools. Such as: do you want big or little classes? Do you want to be in a city or more country based? Are you willing to spend a lot of money or just the minimum? there are alot of questions to be thought about before entering college. To make the most of your college experience go out and meet people. Meeting people will make college more fun and more worthwhile. i didnt go out and meet people right away because i was nervous, i did awful my first semester. Now that i know more people and have made so many new friends i cant wait to go back!


Get involved in your school and appreciate the wonderful opportunity you are being given.


The best advice I can give to parents and students is to pick the college that has what they want. I know that it sounds like common sense, but I cannot begin to describe how many people I know who pick colleges based simply on the name. Many people choose a college because it is where their parents want them to go. That needs to stop, period. A student is not going to want to be forced into a school picked by their parents because it wont be what they wanted. Parents need to remember it is their kids who are attending, not them. Also, do not attend a school simply to play a varsity sport. Playing sports is great, but make sure the school you are looking at has your major before declaring. Apply to as many scholarships as possible. Without scholarships you will find yourself in a huge money crunch, just as I am now, and it is not fun. Get to know your professors early. There are a lot of students in the classes, so the professors don't know most of their students. Make a positive impact and introduce yourself to all of your professors.


Do not pick a college simply for the look of it. Look into all of the programs and dont just talk to the tour guide. The tour guides tend to bend the truth a bit. Try talking to someone who has attended there and you know they will be truthful.


I would strongly reccomend doing overnight visits at the college because it gives you more of a feel of what really goes on as opposed to just a campus tour. Also make sure that they have what major you are looking for and that the faculty in that department are people you can see yourself enjoying working with. At SUNY Cortland there are plenty of oppourtunites to work with these wonderful people and even help them with their research projects. Also these are the people that help you if you ever have problems so if they aren't a right fit there is a good chance you won't be 100{4a082faed443b016e84c6ea63012b481c58f64867aa2dc62fff66e22ad7dff6c} pleased with your decision. Lastly make sure that it is in an area that you like. If you hate the snow don't go somewhere cold and vise versa or you will be miserable for 4 months of the school year.


Selecting a college to attend is a major decision, which requires a great amount of research and thought. For a high school student who is unfamiliar with the college lifestyle this task may be quite difficult and stressful. As a college student, who has been through this process I like to consider myself experienced in this area. The most useful and important advice I have gathered throughout my experience is that you should not base your decision on a college's reputation or name. Although a school may be very highly regarded for overall academics, it may not be as highly regarded for a certain field in which you wish to study or for extracurricular activities. Be sure to consider all factors or there is a great possibility that you will not be happy with your decision. Also, make sure that is YOUR decision and not anyone else?s. Of course your parent?s thoughts and concerns do matter, but you are the one that will be growing and developing there during the most important years of your life. With effort and time the process of selecting the right college to attend can be an enjoyable and successful experience.


My advice, give the school your attending the best chance even if it isnt the one your originally wanted to go to. Get Involved and youll see a whole new side to the campus. And parents remember most college students do drink and attend parties but the most important thing is to remember to juggle your school work as well because after all if your grades drop you might just be asked to leave and then you lose the best of both worlds. !