SUNY Cortland Top Questions

What should every freshman at SUNY Cortland know before they start?


Let students make their own choice about where they woulkd like to go to school and as parents support their decision. This is a time when young adults learn to make their own choices.


You have to visit the schools you want to attend. It my sound great on paper but could be completely different when you go to visit. Once in school, join a club or sport. You can make great friends there that will last a lifetime.


definitely go to tours and ask tons of questions. child should pick the schoolthat suits them.


attend open house, visit the school when school is in session


Follow your heart and instincts. If a college you're looking at doesn't feel right at first, it's not the right one. The first impression is always the most accurate. Talk to students enrolled there because they will tell you the truths that you won't hear from faculty or staff. Get involved with intramural sports if you're not on a school sports team. Meet the people on the floor of your dorm; you will probably meet friends you'll have for the rest of your time in college and maybe your life. Always put academics first because there will always be time to have a social life if you budget your time efficiently.


I would tell parents and/or students to carefully visit each campus they are interested in. Meeting with professors of the prospective student's department is a good idea to familiarize themselves with their new teachers and see how engaging and motivated their teachers are. Students should talk to alumni or current students at that school to see what they think, what they like about the school and what they don't like. I would also take a close look at the town the college is in; there are many weekends during the school year and it is important to find a place where each student can participate in activities that are not college-related that help them deal with stress and pressure that is often felt in college. If involved in any sports/clubs, I would make sure to meet the people in charge to make sure they share ideas and point of views. Finally, I think that parents and/or students should visit each campus they are interested in and spend a day or two around campus; if the student feels comfortable and excited to live in that community, then they have found their home away from home.


Advice that I would give to parents and students beginning to research potential college choices would be to analyze and take note of the you or your child's interests. It could range from needing the resources that will aid them in becoming an active participant of learning about their culture, as well as wanting to educate others, down to their need for extra teacher student interaction. It is important for both students and parents to realize that visiting a school and taking the campus tour doesn't provide you with the reality that students attending this school face on a daily basis. I think it's important to speak to the students on that campus, but not just one or two students, many. Speak to as many students of different ethnic and racial backgrounds, majors, club affiliations and staff positions. It is likely that honesty will come from those who aren't being paid to tell you what you want to hear. The students are the core of a college; they hold all the answers you need to know about making your college experience an enjoyable learning experience.


My advice would be to be very open minded and willing to change to a new place. Cortland is a really great school but it has its ups and downs. Also, make sure you know what you want to do because as a SUNY College, sometimes credits do not count and tranfering stuff over is difficult sometimes and it may delay the graduating process. Also, with tuition going up, it might not be the best place to go to if you are looking into saving money. Once again, its part of the SUNY system so expect the same things any other suny school will have. This place is full of athletics stuff so its thats something that you are intrested in then you should come here. If you want to be a teacher then come here too because this is the place for you. This school has a great relationship with many entities and even though its small, it might just get you the connection that you need to get that job. Its really great and even though at first i wasn't a fan, it really grew on me and now as a junior i love it even more.


Have Fun


I would tell parents and prospective students to go visit the colleges they are interested in. Another recommendation would be to visit when there is not a tour planned so you could see how the campus really is. Try and explore the town around the campus and look at all different Statistics including crime rates, academic rates, transfer rates. All these factors can help make your decision a bit simpler. Also, if you know what major you are interested in try setting up an interview with some faculty so you can get to know your future professors and develop a relationship. Once a college is selected, the biggest piece of advice to is to get involved on campus. To get the best experience from college, you need to get involved. Stay out of trouble you attend college to get an education, not a record. Keep parents updated and call them frequently they are your biggest support and they like to know what is going on. Do your best work that is all anyone should strive for.