SUNY Cortland Top Questions

What should every freshman at SUNY Cortland know before they start?


I would definatly think about the envoronment that you see youself in first. If you don't like snow, don't go to a college where it snows most of the time. You will find yourself depressed and miserable. If you are a big city person, don't go to a little school in upstate New York. As soon as I stepped onto the SUNY Cortland Campus while visiting schools, I knew that this was definatly the school for me. It was just a feeling that I had. I loved the campus, the students, and the whole spirit of the school. I do not think its the campus for you if you don't find yourself in love with the the first time you see it. I met many transfer students who hated the entire transfer process. I would do a lot of research and visiting before you choose your school. Otherwise you may find yourself in a bit of a perdicament. Don'tworry about meeting new friends as a freshman, Its not like high school where you have a little click. You can be and hang out with whomever you wish!


If you know what you want to study, the most important thing is finding the best program offered out there. But you also have to find a school that you think you can fit into. You don't want to be overwhelmed by the sheer size of everything, but you don't want to be bored on the weekends. You need to choose something that you think will work for you. And to maximize your experience, you need to be willing to get out there, meet new people, try new things. But don't forget to learn how to balance all the fun and the social stuff with the academics.


You are never too early to start shopping around for what college will be the best fit for you or your child. Sometimes it's best to go to a school completely opposite of how you grew up. If you are from a small town, maybe a big college is the place where you can start experiencing what the world has to offer. If you are from a big city, maybe a small college is where you can slow down and put things in perspective. When it really comes down to it, you have to choose for yourself only. The next 4+ years of your life will revolve around your school so make sure you know exactly that this one or that one is the perfect fit for you.


In my experience the best advice when looking for a college is to really figure out who you are and what you are looking for in a school before you even begin the search. Many students go into the college hunt with no idea of what they are looking for. This results in students getting to their final choice school and deciding that it is ot for them. There is nothing wrong with making a few mistakes in your college hunt, but wouldn't you rather find a good fit the first time around? I know that for me I was looking for a medium sized school that offered my unique major. Once I found one I stuck with it and this was really the best thing I think I ever could have done. Before you even get to your school begin to look up some activities or clubs that might be available to you. The best thing you could do during your first few awkward days is get involved in some activities and take the chance to get to know your new roommate. After all, you are going to be spending an awful lot of time with them!