SUNY Polytechnic Institute Top Questions

What should every freshman at SUNY Polytechnic Institute know before they start?


I believe that i have gotten many rewarding things out of my college experience, but I would ahve to say that life lessons were probably the most I learned. I learned about the mental toughness and persistent nature that I have inside. There were many occassions in which professors pushed and pushed and things life were also pushing , but through it all I was able to rise above. My college experience helped prepare me for the courage to rise above any and all hardships to get to the next level. It prepared me to be able to communicate more effectively with not only my speech but with my writings as well. College allowed me a chance to explore opportunities and people I would probably never have met living in a suburban/rural area as I do. It also reminded me that you never ever stop learning whether in the classroom or on the job or in the "real world" called life. You are a life time learner forever and ever.


As a senior, I wasn't one to listen to anything that anyone else had to say. I was smart. I knew where I wanted to go, what I wanted to do, and how I was going to do it. So here I am, 6 years later with a Masters degree, right? Not Quite. Here I sit with an Associates degree in CIS as I pick away at the courses I need for my Bachelors. What would I tell myself? First, I would drill into my head that college is the most important thing at this stage. Getting that degree will put you in a position to do whatever you want in life. Prepare yourself for the unknown, college is much different from high school. Do things early! Get registered, buy books and look for scholarships and financial aid, it all helps. College is a huge step in life and a lot of things will be new, but keep your head up, look towards the light at the end of the tunnel and keep a positive attitude, those few years will be over before you know it and you'll be ready to take on the world.


If I could go back and talk to myself I wolud say stay in school. I would let myself know of all the struggles I have to face. My first struggle is I have a wife and two young children to take care of and support. Also I have to work full time in order to make sure my family is well fed and have a home to live in. Plus I'm trying to go to school to make more of myself so my family and I will not have to struggle as much anymore and to make a better life for my children. Finally I dont regret any of my life lessons I just know it would have been a much easier road to take if I had stayed in school.


Make sure you visit every school your interested in because colleges sound good on paper. When visiting the campuses try to sit in on an actual class so you can get a real feel for what your future college days hold. On your spare time apply for more scholarships because when you get in college its harder to win them. Start managing your money and make sure you save some of it. Apply to summer internships/jobs early because the longer you wait the lower your odds of landing a job are. Although college parties are going to be going on, sometimes you have to stay in your dorm and do whats more important; your schoolwork. One big thing is communication. Make sure you talk to your teachers so they know your focused on your education. Find out what it takes to get an A in their class too. Make sure you also ask about extra when you talk to them, so that their are no missed opportunities. It also doesn't hurt to review your notes after class. Last but not least keep in mind that there are no stupid questions, so don't be shy in class.


I would tell myself to not move so far away from home at least for the first semester because it is hard moving someplace where you have no one but yourself. I would also try to prepare myself a little more for the amount of homework I was thrown into my first sememster. I would also tell myself that it is ok to break loose and have a good time but not to the point of my grades slipping. I would recommend to myself that I get a job on campus at the begining to save money because being a college student without any source of income just does not work. The final thing I would tell myself would be to see my advisor more than once a semester so that I can stay on track of what I am supposed to be accomplishing. If I knew all of these things before I had to experience them myself, I think I would have succeeded more in my college academic career.


If I were to go back in time and talk to myself as a high school senior, I would tell myself to visit every school I am interested in attending before making my final decision. Once I have chosen a school based on its facts, I should spend a day at the campus in order to have a certain feel for the environment in which I would be spending most of my time. Making friends in college is very important, so I would have told my self to look into the diversity and the ratio from girls to boys of all the schools I am interested in. Another contributing factor in choosing for college is the distance. I would have told myself to pick a school close enough to visit and far enough that my parents will not ease drop. Sports play a huge role in my life, therefore I would have spoken to the baseball coaches, find out their record and decide if I really want to play for their team. Now that I know what college consists of, my decision would have a been much more wiser.


Pay more attention to class work. Take more math classes. Plan on getting at least your Masters degree right away, don't wait so long in getting pursuring your dreams.


If I could go back and talk to myself as a high school senior I would tell myself to become active in the community during the summer prior to entering college. Throughout college I have realized that an easy way to get ahead in life is by giving back to the community. I have not done too much community service or been active in my community and feel like I have missed many opportunities to improve my resume.


Money will be a problem in college life. Take as much courses as you can in high school to be credited in college. It will help you deeply. Always be on top of things. Don't procrastinate. Do good in school to get a good job in the future. Your success in school will determine your overall success in the real world.


make sure the college fits you!